We focus on early detection and early treatment of common diseases. It covers fundamental research on a molecular level, development of new medical devices and software tools, and translation of these results to clinical applications that can be used in daily routine. Our mission is to bridge the gap between research and clinical practice and to help shape the future of healthcare. We use technology to make healthcare more affordable by increasing automation of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, thus freeing manpower for those areas in patient care in which the "human touch" is most needed.

BioMR Biomedical MR Research Group

The Biomedical MR research group is one of the main research groups at the department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine of the Radboudumc. The aim of this group is to exploit the exquisite capabilities of MR in “molecular” and “biological” imaging to address biomedical questions and problems. read more

BioMR Biomedical MR Research Group

The Biomedical MR research group is one of the main research groups at the department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine of the Radboudumc. The aim of this group is to exploit the exquisite capabilities of MR in “molecular” and “biological” imaging to address biomedical questions and problems.

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DIAG Diagnostic Image Analysis Group

The Diagnostic Image Analysis Group is part of the Departments of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Pathology, and Ophthalmology of Radboud University Medical Center. We develop computer algorithms to aid clinicians in the interpretation of medical images and thereby improve the diagnostic process. read more

DIAG Diagnostic Image Analysis Group

The Diagnostic Image Analysis Group is part of the Departments of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Pathology, and Ophthalmology of Radboud University Medical Center. We develop computer algorithms to aid clinicians in the interpretation of medical images and thereby improve the diagnostic process.

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AXTI Advanced X-ray Tomographic Imaging

Medical physics research at the Advanced X-ray Tomographic Imaging lab focuses on radiation dosimetry, novel image acquisition and processing techniques, physical and perceptual evaluation of image quality, tomographic image reconstruction and more. read more

AXTI Advanced X-ray Tomographic Imaging

Medical physics research at the Advanced X-ray Tomographic Imaging lab focuses on radiation dosimetry, novel image acquisition and processing techniques, physical and perceptual evaluation of image quality, tomographic image reconstruction and advanced computational simulation methods in diagnostic x-ray based imaging, especially for breast and body tomographic imaging.

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NUCMED NucMed group

Research in the Nucmed group focuses on the development of novel tracers to image disease processes using radionuclide and optical imaging techniques. The main areas of interest are cancer, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and neurological disorders. read more

NUCMED NucMed group

Research in the Nucmed group focuses on the development of novel tracers to image disease processes using radionuclide and optical imaging techniques. The main areas of interest are cancer, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and neurological disorders. In addition, for certain applications, these tracers are used as therapeutic agents as well. Our translational research lines start with tracer development, followed by preclinical characterization in animal models and finally clinical studies are carried out in patients.

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Go to the NUCMED publicaitons.

MUSIC Medical Ultrasound Imaging Centre

The Medical UltraSound Imaging Center, MUSIC, is an international expertise center on functional imaging using ultrasound for medical applications. MUSIC develops ultrasound based techniques. read more

MUSIC Medical Ultrasound Imaging Centre

The Medical UltraSound Imaging Center, MUSIC, is an international expertise center on functional imaging using ultrasound for medical applications. MUSIC develops ultrasound based techniques for improved diagnosis, guiding intervention and monitoring treatment from idea to initial clinical application.

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