We provide advice on health economic/HTA related questions, in particular how to deal with cost-effectiveness analysis/economic evaluation.
Expertises and services
Methodological support
We provide methodological support to our researchers and also to external interested parties.
see pageServices
We aim to foster a research environment in which researchers can easily consult experts.
We have two main modes of service:
- Short advice (up to 4 hours) to support for example grant applications, research design and statistical analyses, for publicly or internally funded research conducted by Radboudumc.
- Project based service, preferably from the research question/design up to publication stages.
Questions related to statistics
We work closely with RTC Biostatistics. See their page for more information on advice for statistical related questions.
see pageCourses
We offer several courses on methodology. These are either courses part of the Biomedical Sciences master program of the Radboudumc or post-academic courses, both given by experts from our department. More information on master courses can be found in the course guide of the master Biomedical Sciences.
We offer the following master courses:
- Introduction to Health Technology Assessment (BMS86)
- Participatory approaches to innovation (BMS05)
- Qualitative Research (BMS08)
- Cost-effectiveness analyses (BMS58)
- Advanced modeling in economic evaluation (BMS62)
- Health Outcome Measurement (BMS56)