We provide advice on health economic/HTA related questions, in particular how to deal with cost-effectiveness analysis/economic evaluation.
Expertises and services
Methodological support
We provide methodological support to our researchers and also to external interested parties.
see pageServices
We aim to foster a research environment in which researchers can easily consult experts.
We have two main modes of service:
- Short advice (up to 4 hours) to support for example grant applications, research design and statistical analyses, for publicly or internally funded research conducted by Radboudumc.
- Project based service, preferably from the research question/design up to publication stages.
Our expertise includes the following topics:
- Cost-effectiveness analysis
- (early) Health Technology Assessment (HTA)
- Health economic modeling
- Budget impact analysis
- Quality of life research
- (Comparative) health system design and evaluation
- Value-based healthcare
Questions related to statistics
We work closely with RTC Biostatistics. See their page for more information on advice for statistical related questions.
see page