Genomics Expertise
We offer state-of-the-art expertise in the forefront of sequencing technology developments.
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Areas of expertise
- DNA isolation
- DNA biobanking
- High throughput sequencing using targeted strategies (like PCR, hybridization or MIP-based target enrichment both for Sanger and next generation sequencing)
- Genome wide sequencing strategies using next generation sequencing (non-invasive prenatal testing, exome and genome).
Genome diagnostics
We perform prenatal as postnatal genetic diagnostics. We offer diagnostics to a large number of hereditary and innate conditions.
read moreContact us
Tel: +31 (0)24 3617891
Postal address
Attn. Janneke Weiss
Genome Technology Center (Route 848)
Radboud University Medical Center
Geert Grooteplein Zuid 30
6525 GA, Nijmegen
The Netherlands
Instruments and equipment
• Novaseq X Plus (Illumina)
• NovaSeq6000 (Illumina)
• NextSeq500 (Illumina)
• MiniSeq (Illumina)
• Revio (Pacific Biosciences)
• Sequel IIe (Pacific Biocsciences)
• Stratys (Bionano)
• Saphyr (Bionano)
• GridION (Oxford Nanopore)
• ABI 3730XL analyzer (ThermoFisher)
Instruments and equipment
In our lab we have a variety of instruments and equipment available.
• 1x - Novaseq X Plus (Illumina)
• 3x - NovaSeq6000 (Illumina)
• 2x - NextSeq500 (Illumina)
• 2x - MiniSeq (Illumina)
• 2x - Revio (Pacific Biosciences)
• 2x - Sequel IIe (Pacific Biosciences)
• 1x - Stratys (Bionano)
• 2x - Saphyr (Bionano)
• 1x - GridION (Oxford Nanopore)
• 2x - ABI 3730XL analyzer (ThermoFisher)
For up to date information about sequencing projects, practical questions or prices, please contact us via GTC@radboudumc.nl
Short Read – WGS
Long Read - WGS
With the Sequel IIe system (Pacific Biosciences) we are able to generate long sequencing reads for WGS applications.
Hi-Fi Mode:
For generating sequencing reads with an average length of 15-20kb with a minimum accuracy of 99.9%
- SNV, InDel and SV Detection
- De Novo assembly
We can offer the following services:
• Preparing whole genome libraries from gDNA and sequencing
• Sequencing only of finished SMRTbell libraries