
  • Search for quantitative biomarkers with advanced MRI methods for improved diagnosis, staging, and assessment of aggressiveness of localized prostate cancer (extrapolation to other cancers)
  • Development and evaluation of advanced MRI techniques for advanced (oligometastatic and castrate-resistant) prostate cancer
  • Development and validation of nanoparticle-enhanced MRI in prostate, rectal, H&N, and upper abdominal cancers.
  • Implementation of 3D motion-incorporating MRI in the abdomen (quantitative T2*, water/fat, T1)

Research Research groups Biomedical magnetic resonance


We develop, implement, and test new MR imaging and spectroscopy technology at clinical and ultra-high magnetic field MR scanners to improve fundamental understanding, diagnosis, and treatment response in cancer.

Research group leader

prof. dr. ir. Tom Scheenen

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