Research Grants and awards RIHS PhD Award

RIHS PhD Award

The RIHS PhD Award is annually awarded to the best thesis within the RIHS.  previous winners

RIHS PhD Award

The RIHS PhD Award is annually awarded to the best thesis within the RIHS.

Previous winners

Year Name Title PhD thesis
2021 Lisa van de Wijer The enduring challenges of antiretroviral therapy
2020 Sanne Gijzel Bouncing back using a complex dynamical systems approach to measure physical resilience in older adults
2019 Machteld van Egmond Effectiveness of septoplasty in adults with nasal obstruction and a deviated septum
2018 Stein Schalkwijk Quantitative antiretroviral clinical pharmacology in pregnancy: delivering more.
2017 Jonne Doorduin Diaphragm dysfunction in critically ill patiens: from monitoring to interventions.
2016 Jan Rongen An evidence based evaluation of the treatment of meniscus tears.
2015 Angela Colbers Exposure to antiretroviral agents in HIV-infected pregnant  women: not too much – not too little.
2014 Richard ten Broek The burden of adhesions.
2013 Erik Bischoff Self-management of COPD and its exacerbations.
2012 Mark van den Boogaard Delirium in intensive care patients; Detection, impact, prediction, prevention and biomarkers.
2011 Betsie van Gaal SAFE or SORRY? A programme to implement multiple guidelines simultaneously.
2010 Hein Janssens Gout arthritis in general practice.
2009 Sita Vermeulen Genetic epidemiology of homocysteine and related diseases.
2008 Mauf Graff Effectiveness and efficiency of community occupational therapy for older people with dementia and their caregivers.
2007 Marianne van Iersel The interplay between gait and cognitive function in elderly people.
2006 Jeroen Schouten Improving the quality for antibiotic use for respiratory tract infections at hospitals.

Application guidelines

Call is closed. RIHS awardees will accept their awards during the Goodbye & Hello celebration on Wednesday 11 January 2023.

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Application guidelines

RIHS researchers may submit max. 1 nomination for each award. Please submit your nominations to RIHS@radboudumc.nlDeadline for submission is 8 November 2022. 

Eligible PhD theses:

  • Thesis was successfully defended between 1-1-2022 and 31-12-2022 (of course PhD theses that still have to be defended this year are also eligible!).
  • PhD candidates must be registered in the RIHS Graduate School (Training and Supervision Plan approved).
  • RIHS affiliation must be mentioned in the thesis.
  • Portfolio of training must be included in the thesis.

Please submit:

  • Motivation for the nomination by one of the supervisors (max 250 words)
  • Digital version of the PhD thesis
  • Up-to-date publication list of the work in the thesis

The PhD award committee will assess the nominated theses on the basis of motivation and content, according to the following criteria:

  • Originality / innovative character
  • Scientific quality
  • Relevance of the research within the RIHS’ field of knowledge, societal impact and clinical relevance


Marieke de Visser
research policy advisor RIHS

+31 (0)24 309 26 12
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