Radboudumc is hosting a global Specialized Programme for Infectious Disease Care Everywhere (SPICE) registry of experts to provide effective tailor-made mentorship for establishing successful and long-standing Infectious Disease Management (IDM), Infection Prevention & Control (IPC), and Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) programmes in low resource settings.

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There is a global need to have access to expertise to find sustainable solutions for infectious disease (ID) care: from infection prevention, to infectious diseases management, to microbiology laboratory, and to antimicrobial stewardship. 
Radboudumc is hosting a global Specialized Programme for Infectious Disease Care Everywhere (SPICE) registry of experts to provide effective tailor-made mentorship for establishing successful and long-standing Infectious Disease Management (IDM), Infection Prevention & Control (IPC), and Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) programmes in low resource settings.

What is SPICE?

The SPICE is an expert registry for providing expert consultancy and support matched to the need of healthcare sector in LMICs to ensure specialized and integrated infectious diseases (ID) care. 
The SPICE expert registry consists of experts with diverse medical specialties pertinent to infectious diseases who are knowledgeable, skilled and willing to share their expertise and experience with peers from resource-limited settings in LMICs, through providing mentorship, technical advice and skill-transfer through online coaching and onsite visits to relevant counterparts that require such expertise.

How it works

The SPICE programme is governed by a Steering Committee. The SPICE Steering committee is advised on strategic and technical matters by an Advisory Board comprising distinguished members of the professional and policy community in the area. 
To ensure strong ties and smooth collaboration with partners, SPICE signs Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) defining the scope and purpose of mutually beneficial activities directed at improving ID care worldwide.

SPICE structure

SPICE is governed by a Steering Committee. The SPICE Steering committee is advised on strategic and technical matters by an Advisory Board comprising distinguished members of the professional and policy community in the area. 

To ensure strong ties and smooth collaboration with partners, SPICE signs Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) defining the scope and purpose of mutually beneficial activities directed at improving ID care worldwide. 

What does SPICE entail?

  • Development and maintenance of an expert registry database, registration and matchmaking system;
  • Organizing orientation and training of experts for SPICE services standardization
  • Matching experts with relevant counterparts


Miriam Sijtsma

For further inquiries, please contact us.
+316 361 43 56

Become an expert

Are you interested in becoming one of our experts? Please express your interest by filling in the registry form.

registry form

Find support 

If you are interested in receiving implementation support on one of the expert areas, please contact us.

areas of expertise

Find support 

If you are interested to receive implementation support on one of the expert areas, please contact us.

More information

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Education Dutch Antimicrobial Stewardship

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