Our expertise
At the Radboudumc Community for Infectious Diseases, we are optimally prepared in the field of outbreak management and caring for very infectious patients.
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At the Radboudumc Community r for Infectious Diseases, we are optimally prepared in the field of outbreak management and caring for very infectious patients. We are able to provide acute care for patients in an environment that is safe for both staff and patients.
In addition, we are part of the national platform preparation for A diseases (Polio, smallpox, SARS, MERS, and viral hemorrhagic fever). We participate in this national advisory body in the areas of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.
In recent years, outside of Radboud university medical center, we have been involved with outbreaks varying from Ebola (WHO and Doctors Without Borders) to multi-resistant bacteria in Africa and Haiti (Doctors Without Borders), Q fever outbreak in the Netherlands, and Mycobacterium chimaera in heating/cooling units in Europe and the USA.
In the Dutch Association of Medical Microbiology, we are represented on the general board as well as on the board of the hygiene and infection prevention section (HIP).