Our expertise
At the Radboudumc Community for Infectious Diseases, we are optimally prepared in the field of outbreak management and caring for very infectious patients.
read moreOur expertise
At the Radboudumc Community r for Infectious Diseases, we are optimally prepared in the field of outbreak management and caring for very infectious patients. We are able to provide acute care for patients in an environment that is safe for both staff and patients.
In addition, we are part of the national platform preparation for A diseases (Polio, smallpox, SARS, MERS, and viral hemorrhagic fever). We participate in this national advisory body in the areas of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.
In recent years, outside of Radboud university medical center, we have been involved with outbreaks varying from Ebola (WHO and Doctors Without Borders) to multi-resistant bacteria in Africa and Haiti (Doctors Without Borders), Q fever outbreak in the Netherlands, and Mycobacterium chimaera in heating/cooling units in Europe and the USA.
In the Dutch Association of Medical Microbiology, we are represented on the general board as well as on the board of the hygiene and infection prevention section (HIP).

For patients
We offer expert care for patients who are carrying a highly contagious bacterium or virus. If you carry an infectious bacteria or virus, we will take care of you separately in a suitable room. We also treat patients with Ebola and patients who are suspected of it.PANDEM-2
Radboudumc, together with RIVM, is part of the PANDEM-2 project. This project, funded by the EU through Horizon 2020, aims to increase and strengthen pandemic preparedness and response in the future. This will provide European countries, collectively and individually, with greater insight and enable them to respond in a coordinated and effective manner to a subsequent pandemic.
Various disciplines from several EU countries are working together on the PANDEM-2-project to develop IT systems, processes, training, etc. that will help prepare for the next pandemic and support cooperation during a new one. For example, simulations of future pandemics can be shared and a joint system is being developed that can provide better insight into critical resources such as the number of hospital beds, personal protective equipment and vaccines within the EU.
The project consortium
The project consortium is led by project coordinator Professor Máire Connolly and the National University of Ireland Galway. The members of the consortium include EU experts in various fields: health, security, defense, microbiology, communications, information technology and crisis management. New scientific developments can thus also be immediately implemented in all EU countries. The Advisory Board includes the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).
The team from the Netherlands consists of staff from RIVM and Radboudumc. Together they represent the end users and will provide input to the different subprojects, develop training courses and test the feasibility and practicability of the developed IT systems.
The Radboudumc is represented by internist-infectiologist Chantal Bleeker, physician-microbiologist Joost Hopman and epidemiologist Alma Tostmann. The different backgrounds in the team ensure a broad base when it comes to knowledge and experience.
More information on the complete PANDEM project and other EU-funded ongoing projects in the same research area can be found here.