
prof. dr. Judith Wolf

About Judith Wolf

Judith Wolf is Professor of Social Care and head of Impuls, the Netherlands Center for Social Care Research, at Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center. She is also director of the Academic Collaborative Center for Shelter and Recovery and the Academic Collaborative Center for Public Mental Health. She has more than 30 years of experience in conducting both academic and applied research on socially vulnerable people (including homeless people and abused women) as well as on the social and health care services needed by these groups. Her inaugural lecture as Professor of Social Care, entitledEen kwestie van uitburgering(Exit from Society, Wolf 2002), described processes of social inclusion and exclusion. She developed a strengths-based intervention to support the recovery of socially excluded people, which has been implemented in more than 25 social and health care organisations in the Netherlands. She developed a social exclusion risk assessment instrument called Taxatie Sociale Uitsluiting (Tax-Su). Together with Dr MariĆ«lle Beijersbergen, she also developed a consumer quality index for services for homeless people, homeless youth and abused women, which can be used to evaluate clients' experiences with those services. She was the principal investigator in several large-scale multi-site research projects: a homeless cohort study in the four largest cities in the Netherlands (2010-2015), two randomised controlled trials on the effects of critical time intervention (CTI) and a strengths-based approach in women's shelters and low-threshold facilities for the homeless (2010-2014), and a study in five Dutch cities on predictors of tenant evictions for rent arrears and profiles of households at high risk of eviction (2010-2014). Judith Wolf is member of the Advisory Board for Housing First in Europe (at Feantsa); member of the Advisory Board of the CTI Global Network at the Silberman School of Social Work, Hunter College, City University of New York; member of the Women's Homelessness in Europe Network (WHEN, University of Dublin); and member of the Advisory and Assessment Committee on Social Interventions (at Movisie, Utrecht). She is also member of the International Advisory Committee of the European Journal of Homelessness (at Feantsa) and of the Editorial Board of theTijdschrift voor Verslaving, the Dutch journal on addiction.


  • hoogleraar Eerstelijnsgeneeskunde


  • 1985-1990: Doctorate (Medicine, University of Groningen). Title thesis: Old acquaintances of psychiatry: An investigation into a social psychiatric assistance practice.
  • 1989: Postgraduate course Program Evaluation Groningen. Trainer: Prof. Hofstee.
  • 1995: Post-doctoral course Clinical Epidemiology (Pavia, Italy). Trainers: Prof. Calyton, Prof. Hill.
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  • 1985-1990: Doctorate (Medicine, University of Groningen). Title thesis: Old acquaintances of psychiatry: An investigation into a social psychiatric assistance practice.
  • 1989: Postgraduate course Program Evaluation Groningen. Trainer: Prof. Hofstee.
  • 1995: Post-doctoral course Clinical Epidemiology (Pavia, Italy). Trainers: Prof. Calyton, Prof. Hill.
  • 1995: Research Training Program, The Center for Health Policy Study, University of California Los Angeles and Rand Graduate School, Santa Monica, California, USA). Trainer: Bob Brook.
  • 1982: Postgraduate courses: applied linear regression models, meta analysis, quality of care.
  • 1976-1982: University (Andragology, University of Groningen).
  • 1970-1976: Secondary school (Atheneum A, Stanislascollege, Delft).

Personal prizes & awards

  • 1996: Querido Stipendium from the Netherlands Foundation for Preventive Medicine (1995-1996)