Marien de Jonge

About me

Marien de Jonge has a long track record in research on vaccine development and host-pathogen interactions. His research primarily focuses on the mucosal immune system, aiming at the improvement of prevention and diagnosis of respiratory tract infections.

More about Marien de Jonge

What Global Health means to me

Global health concerns multidisciplinary collaboration to study and practice the improvement of healthcare both focused on population-based prevention as well as individual-level clinical care, achieving equity in health for all people worldwide.


Executive team

Quirijn de Mast

internist-ID specialist/research initiatives

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Quirijn de Mast

About me

Internist-infectious disease specialist, principal coordinator of Radboudumc-KCMC collaboration, and a co-lead of the Africa-Europe Cluster of Research Excellence in Infections, Immunity and Inflammation (Tri-IR CoRE). His special research interests are human genomics and influence of nutrition on inflammatory processes.

Radboudumc profile for Quirijn de Mast

What Global Health means to me

Long-term and equitable partnerships between academic institutions are essential to tackle shared health challenges in our increasingly interconnected world.

Neda Kostova

public health specialist/strategic partnerships

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Neda Kostova

About me

Pharmacist and public health specialist with extensive experience in low resource settings and international cooperation on antimicrobial resistance. Of particular research interest are patient involvement in research on infectious diseases for improving shared decision-making.

Radboudumc profile for Neda Kostova

What Global Health means to me

Global health is the bridge that connects our shared humanity, skills and knowldedge for well-being of all. We inspire and get inspired to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Simon Broecheler

business director Radboudumc Center for Infectious Diseases, Inflammation and Immunology

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Simon Broecheler

About me

Joined Radboudumc in 2008, starting as a department manager. Since 2018 working in the field of Infectious Diseases in the context of Global Health.

What Global Health means to me

I strongly believe that Global Health is key in finding answers to today's enormous challenges like access to healthcare, poverty, global warming, and antimicrobial resistance. I try to contribute from my position to help professionals at Radboudumc to make a significant impact on these themes.

Petra van Gurp

internist/education initiatives

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Petra van Gurp

About me

coming soon

Radboudumc profile for Petra van Gurp

What Global Health means to me

coming soon

Niels van Heerbeek

ENT surgeon/patient care collaborations

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Niels van Heerbeek

About me

ENT-surgeon, specialized in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, working at the Radboudumc and at Eyelift / de Neuscorrectiespecialist (a private clinic for facial cosmetic surgery).

Radboudumc profile for Niels van Heerbeek

What Global Health means to me

Together with a few colleagues I set up an ENT training curriculum at KCMC in Mishi more than 15 years ago. Since then we have trained several ENT doctors, set up an outpatient clinic and supported the ENT department with (surgical) instruments, operating microscopes, flexible scopes, operating tables, endoscopy equipment, and so on. Five of the first trained Tanzanian ENT doctors are still working at KCMC. They now also train new colleagues, who will move to other hospitals in Tanzania after their graduation. We hope to be anle to support them setting up their own small ENT clinic in the future.

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Expert council

Alma Tostmann

epidemiologist, infection prevention and control

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Alma Tostmann

About me

Hospital epidemiologist and deputy head of the IPC Unit of Radboudumc, focusing on prevention and control of healthcare associated infections (incl. AMR), through surveillance, outbreak detection and response, applied research and teaching.

More about Alma Tostmann.

What Global Health means to me

By increasing the level of infection prevention and control (IPC) in healthcare setting, a lot of healthcare associated infections and AMR outbreaks can be prevented. This saves a lot of illness, hospital admission days, time-effort-money. Simply put: improving IPC in healthcare settings saves lives. 

Cindy van Dijk

international officer

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Cindy van Dijk

About me

Worked in internationalization in education since 2010. Currently an International Officer for the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Radboud University, providing policy advice on internationalization issues, such as Global Health, and offering students and staff general assistance.

More about Cindy van Dijk:

What Global Health means to me

Global health has been defined as "the area of study, research, and practice that places a priority on improving health and achieving equity in health for all people worldwide" (Koplan JP, Bond TC, Merson MH et al. Lancet. 2009). For me this means looking at health issues worldwide, not just in LMICs but also in HICs, and learning from eachother's best practices in and outside of regular medicine. 

David Burger

professor of clinical pharmacy

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David Burger

About me

Hospital pharmacist/clinical pharmacologist with >30 years of experience in clinical pharmacology studies, mainly related to HIV. Main areas of interest are drug-drug interactions, pediatric pharmacology, therapeutic drug monitoring, and research in developing countries.

More about David Burger.

What Global Health means to me

Global Health is really on the promotion of health for everyone. Medicines are not available everywhere, nor is the knowledge how to use them most effectively. We can learn from each other through education and collaborative reseajch projects

Gibson Kibiki

visiting professor at Radboudumc

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Gibson Kibiki

About me

Professor of medicine and consultant physician and edoscopist, previously the founding CEO of the East African Health Research Commission of the East African Community; CEO of the Africa Research Excellence Fund, UK; and the founding director of the Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute, Tanzania.

Radboudumc profile for Gibson Kibiki.

Heiman Wertheim

professor of medical microbiology

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Heiman Wertheim

About me

One of the main interests is antibiotic use and resistance in both resource rich and resource constrained settings and I do this through a multidisciplinary approach: health systems, policy development, behavior, surveillance, prevention, genomics, and clinical trials.

More about Heiman Wertheim.

What Global Health means to me

Bringing cultures together to come to inspiring solutions to improve health for everyone

Indira Tendolkar

professor of psychiatry

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Indira Tendolkar

About me

Boosting mental health in times of change and culturally sensitive way.

Radboudumc profile for Indira Tendolkar.

More about Indira Tendolkar.

What Global Health means to me

Global Health is A prerequisite for any UMC across academic core tasks. I am deeply involved in international mental health alliances with cambodia, indonesia and India and clike to contribute here taking my network of GGZ partners and the WorlD Psychiatric Association along.

Jeroen Schouten

intensivist and director of drive-AMS program

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Jeroen Schouten

About me

Intensivist with special interest in implementation of Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs in LMICs.

Radboudumc profile for Jeroen Schouten.

What Global Health means to me

Radboudumc Global Health is the perfect harbour for postgraduate education in LMICs on high impact health issues such as antimicrobial resistance. Lear more on our Dutch Antimicrobial Stewardship program.

Koen van Aerde

pediatrician infectious diseases and immunology

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Koen van Aerde

About me

Pediatrician enjoying clinical work in the field of infectious disease and immunity and with a special interest in education. Currently working on exchange programs with Universities in Glasgow, Indonesia and Moshi (Tanzania).

Radboudumc profile for Koen van Aerde

What Global Health means to me

We can inspire each other by exchanging knowledge and ideas, at the same time widening our horizon. Think beyond boundaries: the world is bigger than you think.

Reinout van Crevel

professor of global health & infectious diseases

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Reinout van Crevel

About me

Clinican-scientist with a focus on tuberculosis, linking patient studies with laboratory science and public health, especially in Indonesia    

What Global Health means to me

Long-term partnerships to make a difference: quality, trust, generosity, friendship and fun.

Rob Baltussen

professor of global health economics

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Rob Baltussen

About me

Leading a research and education group on global health priorities, supporting Ministries of Health in various low, middle and high-income countries on health technology assessment (HTA) and health benefit package design. Within Radboudumc supporting research groups on the policy uptake on their studies.

More about Rob Baltussen.

What Global Health means to me

A health benefit package is the beating heart of health systems - it defines which services are offered, to whom and at what price. We believe that many problems in health systems in LMICs have their root cause in benefit packages that are ill-defined and/or unaffordable.

Teun Bousema

About me

Epidemiologist specialized in understanding and targeting the transmission of malaria parasites. 

What Global Health means to me

Working on global health problems with a keen eye for local relevance and societal and academic imbedding.

Jeroen van Dillen

obstetrician, associate professor 'Working & learning across borders'

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Jeroen van Dillen

About me

Former tropical doctor, now academic obstetrician with interest, research projects and lecturing on maternal health care in low income countries.

Radboudumc profile for Jeroen van Dillen

What Global Health means to me

In my research and teaching I hope to inspire people to look beyond their own borders and see the global picture.

Milou van Ingen

physician assistant, Msc

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Milou van Ingen

About me

My name is Milou van Ingen, a dedicated physician assistant with a special interest in global child health with a main focus for neonatal care. Since 2015 I'm connected to Sengerema Hospital, Tanzania.

Radboudumc profile for Milou van Ingen

What Global Health means to me

Global health: making equity in health for all people a priority. What difference can we make:

  1. Making high quality of care available and attainable for the community of Sengerema, regardless of their background.
  2. Improving quality of care in a rural hospital by locally initiated and executed projects. 

Marien de Jonge

head of the laboratory of Medical Immunology

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Ingrid van Schalen

healthcare manager Department of Internal Medicine

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Ingrid van Schalen

About me

Nurse, andragologist, and manager in healthcare in different Dutch hospitals for 25 years. Now leading the Internal medicine ward of the Radboudumc. Fond of helping teams in crisis or more subtle change and being really meaningful. Performed an action-oriented research on domestic violence in Zimbabwe in the '90s. 

What Global Health means to me

Global Health could be a way to share knowledge and experiences back and forth. I wish to contribute in a practical way, hands on, as well as on an organisational level. Together we will have impact on health and healthcare. 

Lilly Verhagen

pediatrician - infectious diseases and immunology subspecialist

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Lilly Verhagen

About me

I am a dedicated pediatrician specialized in infectious diseases and immunology. My focus centers on translational research, with a particular passion for exploring the mucosal immune system of the respiratory tract among vulnerable pediatric populations globally. 

Radboudumc profiel for Lilly Verhagen

What Global Health means to me

To me, global health is about embracing and understanding differences between populations, a perspective crucial in immunology. Developing effective diagnostic tools and therapies for children with respiratory infections requires understanding the underlying differences in respiratory mucosal immunology. Addressing global health issues requires crossing country, cultural, and other boundaries to tackle the most relevant challenges faced by diverse patient populations.