Education and examinations regulations (OER)
Application final exam
Application is possible in your webfile until 4 weeks preceding the results-meeting of the Board of Examiners. Until two weeks preceding the examination date you can withdraw your application by sending an Topdesk message (subject: 'Withdrawal of application for final exam').
apply for examManuals, forms and assessments
Approval of literature thesis and external/ individual education
Assessment individual education
Formats Internship applications Osiris case
BMS students can use OSIRIS case for digital applications for approval of internships in the master.
read moreFormats Internship applications Osiris case
Instructions, showing you how to submit your Internship application for approval by the Board of Examiners, can be found here:
The following formats for uploads in OSIRIS case are available:
Internship | OSIRIS code | Link |
General Research internship | MED-BMS30GEN MED-BMS36GEN MED-BMS42GEN MED-BMS48GEN |
Research plan General research internship |
Research Profile internship | MED-BMS30RES MED-BMS36RES MED-BMS42RES MED-BMS48RES MED-BMS60RES |
Internship plan Research profile internship |
Consultancy Profile internship | MED-BMS30COM MED-BMS36COM MED-BMS42COM MED-BMS48COM |
Internship plan Consultancy profile |
Communication Profile internship | MED-BMS30CONS MED-BMS36CONS MED-BMS42CONS MED-BMS48CONS |
Internship plan Communication profile |
Additional Internship | MED-BMS24ADD MED-BMS30ADD |
Internship plan Additional internship |
Formats Internships assessment Osiris case
Assessment forms for internships within the master Biomedical Sciences can be found here. read moreFormats Internships assessment Osiris case
Assessment forms for internships within the master Biomedical Sciences can be found in the table below. Supervisors please make sure you upload the right form. For more information consult: osiriscasesupport.rha@radboudumc.nl
Assessor | Internship |
First assessor/internship supervisor | Research |
Communication-profile | |
Consultancy-profile | |
Second assessor | Research |
Communication-profile | |
Consultancy-profile | |
Third assessor | Research |
Communication-profile | |
Consultancy-profile | |
Examiner/backoffice | Final grade |
Information Master BMS internship supervisors
You will find important information for internship supervisors below.
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