Personen Sita Vermeulen


dr. ir. Sita Vermeulen

Over Sita Vermeulen

Sita Vermeulen (major in epidemiology, Wageningen University) obtained her PhD degree on Genetic Epidemiology of Homocysteine and Related Disorders in 2009 at the Radboud University Nijmegen. Since then, she is working at the Cancer Epidemiology group of the Department for Health Evidence, Radboudumc. Her research focuses on improving health care for bladder cancer (BC) by elucidating its genetic underpinnings. This includes making the necessary links between molecular and population-based research, and promoting the required collaborations between, among others, clinicians, molecular biologists, and bioinformaticians. She initially focussed on bladder cancer etiology research using data from the Nijmegen Bladder Cancer Study and genome-wide association studies. ishe initiated research lines into rare germline variants and BCG immunotherapy in BC. She is one of the PIs of a novel whole-genome sequencing study in young and familial BC patients (MOTIEF study) and initiated a study into the role of innate immunity in BCG treatment (Tribute study). She is currently extending her research line towards (tumor) pharmacogenomics and immunotherapy in bladder cancer.


  • associate professor


  • 2017: Vidi grant, NWO, for project entitled ‘Personalizing BCG immunotherapy in bladder cancer: a novel approach using germline and acquired DNA variants‘.
  • 2014: Scholar Award International Bladder Cancer Network (IBCN). Received for my commitment to and efforts for the IBCN.


  • Member ZonMW Veni committee from 2019 onwards


  • associate professor

Afdeling IQ Health

De afdeling IQ Health is een van onze drie science departments; een afdeling die geen patiëntenzorg verricht, maar focust op onderzoek en onderwijs. De afdeling verwerft en verspreidt kennis en methodologie over het voorkomen van ziekten en het verbeteren van de zorg.

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