Personen Rob Baltussen


dr. Rob Baltussen


Over Rob Baltussen

Prof. Rob Baltussen is an economist specialized in global health economics. His research focuses on the development of methods and tools for priority setting in health, to support Ministries of Health lees meer

Over Rob Baltussen

Prof. Rob Baltussen is an economist specialized in global health economics. His research focuses on the development of methods and tools for priority setting in health, to support Ministries of Health to make socially acceptable choices. For this, Baltussen integrates methods from various disciplines such as economics, ethic and decisions, which resulted in the development of ‘evidence-informed deliberative processes’. He has also led the citizen forum on ‘Choices in health care’ which was held in the Netherlands in 2017. Presently, Baltussen and his team are supporting several Ministries of Health around the world through the implementation of EDP, including in the Netherlands, Ghana, Indonesia, Iran, Kazachstan, Tanzania, and Moldova.

Baltussen was Chair of the International Society for Priorities in Health 2016-2018. He has extensive field work experience in around 25 countries in Africa and Asia, and worked as a senior health economist at the World Health Organization in Geneva being responsible for the development of WHO guidelines on cost-effectiveness analysis. He received a VICI fellowship in 2014.


  • professor Health Evidence


  • 2014: Vici-subsidie voor de verdere ontwikkeling van zijn werkzaamheden op het gebied van 'multi criteria priority setting'

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