Over Rianne van Boekel
Regina (Rianne) L.M. van Boekel RN, PhD is a trained nurse, teacher, epidemiologist and researcher who acquired her PhD in the year 2017 at the Radboud University, the Netherlands.
She is currently associate professor at the Department of Anesthesiology, Pain and Palliative Medicine of the Radboud university medical center in the Netherlands. Her research focuses on acute postoperative pain management, prediction and assessment of pain. She is an active member of the research department and participated in various research projects, aiming to bring research closer to the public society, such as the Radboud research team at Lowlands 2016 and the Great National Research on the Sensitivity of Pain in The Netherlands (2017).
Rianne also works as senior researcher in the Lectorate Emergency and Critical Health Care of the Knowledge Centre of Sustainable Healthcare, School of Health Studies at HAN University of Applied Sciences. She initiated the two-year post-graduate program for pain nurse consultant at the HAN in the year 2011 and is still actively involved in this training.
Supporting the development of pain nurse consultants, Rianne was the president of the Dutch Association of Pain nurses from 2015-2021, an association that she founded in 2006. In this association, she supervised the establishment of the area of expertise of Pain Nursing, as well as the Pain Nursing domain in the Nurses’ Quality Register. She also actively collaborated with European colleagues to develop the Core curriculum for the European diploma in Pain Nursing, published in 2019.
She was also the president of the multidisciplinary Working Group that prepared the quality indicator Hospital-wide Pain Management commissioned by the Healthcare Inspectorate from 2016-2022.
She also served as a board member of the Dutch Pain Society and Pain Alliance in the Netherlands (P.A.I.N.). She is the chair of the Special Interest Group Acute Pain of the International Association of the Study of PAIN (IASP).
She won several personal scholarships and awards and is a member of several (inter)national scientific (advisory) committees.
- associate professor
- Masteropleiding Epidemiologie (EMGO) VU Amsterdam, diploma behaald in 2013
- Vervolgopleiding Intensive Care Verpleging SVG Nijmegen, diploma behaald in 2001
- HBO-Verpleegkunde, HAN Nijmegen, getuigschrift behaald in 1996
- Gymnasium beta, Titus Brandsma Lyceum Oss, diploma behaald in 1991
- 2024: Publieksprijs congres V&VN Pijnverpleegkundigen posterpresentatie Transitionele pijn Service
- 2022: Waalprijs
- 2019: Radboud Netwerk Vrouwelijke Hoogleraren Jubileumprijs 2019
- 2024: Publieksprijs congres V&VN Pijnverpleegkundigen posterpresentatie Transitionele pijn Service
- 2022: Waalprijs
- 2019: Radboud Netwerk Vrouwelijke Hoogleraren Jubileumprijs 2019
- 2019: SIA/NWO grant: postdoc beurs voor leraren
- 2018: nominatie VIVA400 Knappe koppen award
- 2018: Anna Reynvaan Wetenschapsprijs
- 2017: X2 Ambition Award
- 2014: TOPP stuk-award
- 2013: NWO grant: Promotiebeurs voor leraren
- Zorgmanager Radboud Expertisecentrum Pijn en Palliatieve Geneeskunde
- 2022-heden: Chair Special Interest Group (SIG) Acute Pain, International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)
- 2022-heden Adviseur bestuur V&VN Pijnverpleegkundigen
- Zorgmanager Radboud Expertisecentrum Pijn en Palliatieve Geneeskunde
- 2022-heden: Chair Special Interest Group (SIG) Acute Pain, International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)
- 2022-heden Adviseur bestuur V&VN Pijnverpleegkundigen
- 2021-heden: Nurse track leader scientific educational board EFIC Academy (Academy board)
- 2021-heden: namens V&VN PV: lid van richtlijnwerkgroep update richtlijn “postoperatieve pijn” bij Orde van Medisch Specialisten. Voorzitter: Jörgen Brühn
- 2019-heden Postdoc en senioronderzoeker lectoraat Acute Intensieve Zorg/Kenniscentrum Duurzame Zorg HAN
- 2016-2022: Voorzitter multidisciplinaire werkgroep prestatie-indicator “Ziekenhuisbreed Pijnmanagement” in opdracht van de Inspectie voor Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd (IGJ)
- 2017-2020 Themaleider Vroege herkenning en behandeling van pijn Radboudumc
- 2011-2022 Hoofddocent (Opleider trainer adviseur 1) aan HAN VDO Nijmegen
- associate professor