Over Marijn de Bruin
Professor de Bruin is a behavioural scientist working on prevention and treatment of disease. His core interests are on the evaluation, synthesis and - more recently -implementation of health behaviour interventions in both the healthcare and public health context. He has a strong research interest in improving research methodology (trials and systematic reviews), making research results more actionable, and advancing the use of behavioural science in policy and health services. This involves multi-stakeholder, system-level research on embedding behavioural expertise in health policies and healthcare practice.
Professor de Bruin combines his academic work with a role as top scientist at the national public health institute (RIVM). During the COVID-19 pandemic he has co-founded the behavioural unit and served as its chief scientist. The work of his team is used to inform policy and government communication.
From RadboudUMC, Professor de Bruin chairs the Be Prepared consortium, which is a collaboration between more than 15 academic and other organisations working on pandemic and crisis preparedness. He serves on multiple national and international advisory boards, including de Gezondheidsraad, ZonMw, the World Health Organisation and the Societal Impact Team (MIT).
- hoogleraar
- MSc Health Sciences (Health Education & Health Promotion)
- PhD in Applied Social Psychology
- Top scientific staff, Dutch public health institute (RIVM)
- Expert advisor: Maatschappelijk Impact Team
- Expert advisor: Gezondheidsraad
- Top scientific staff, Dutch public health institute (RIVM)
- Expert advisor: Maatschappelijk Impact Team
- Expert advisor: Gezondheidsraad
- Technical Advisory Board of the BCI unit of the World Health Organisation (Europe)
- President of the Association of Researchers in Psychology and Health
- Coordinatieteam Platform Gezondheids en Medische Psychologie
- Programma commissie ZonMw Oversterfte

Afdeling IQ Health
De afdeling IQ Health is een van onze drie science departments; een afdeling die geen patiëntenzorg verricht, maar focust op onderzoek en onderwijs. De afdeling verwerft en verspreidt kennis en methodologie over het voorkomen van ziekten en het verbeteren van de zorg.
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