Personen Jeroen Hasselaar


prof. dr. Jeroen Hasselaar

Over Jeroen Hasselaar

Jeroen Hasselaar, bijzonder hoogleraar social empowerment in de palliatieve zorg Afdeling Eerstelijnsgeneeskunde Radboudumc; Radboud Expertise centrum Pijn en Palliatieve Geneeskunde lees meer

Over Jeroen Hasselaar

Jeroen has a M.Sc. in Health Policy and Management from Rotterdam University and M.A. in Ethics from Utrecht University. His PhD thesis at Radboudumc Nijmegen was about the medical and ethical aspects of palliative sedation. He more recently completed the Global Clinical Research Programme at Harvard Medical School. Dr Hasselaar has been one of the initiators of the Dutch National Palliative Care Programme (NPPZ) that includes an investment by the government of €51 million between 2014 and 2020. He is also a board member of the Dutch palliative care association, Palliactief, a multidisciplinary professional association for people who work professionally within the field of palliative care in the Netherlands. His research and education is directed at a) medical and ethical aspects of palliative sedation and end of life care, b) integrated palliative care, including the role of new technology. Besides receiving grants from ZonMW, NWO, and KWF he coordinated the EU Framework 7 funded European InsupC study (2012-2016) and currently coordinates the international H2020 Palliative Sedation project.


  • hoogleraar


  • Nivel Utrecht, Afdelingshoofd onderzoek Eerstelijnszorg
  • President of the European Association for palliative care
  • Palliactief, beroepsvereniging palliatieve zorg, bestuurslid


  • (junior) principal investigator
  • Medewerkers
  • Intranet