dr. Gert Olthuis
Over Gert Olthuis
Gert Olthuis graduated in cultural psychology at the Radboud University Nijmegen, with an additional study in philosophy and ethics at the universities of Nijmegen and Tilburg. His main activities at IQ healthcare focus on education and he is closely involved in the development of a new bachelor curriculum for medicine and biomedical sciences. He also teaches interns, general practitioners and trainee geriatricians. Gert Olthuis is a member of the Research Ethics Committee of the Radboud University Medical Center, a senior lecturer at the postgraduate training Ethics in Healthcare (Dutch) and together with Simone Naber and Valesca Hulsman he coordinates the international course Suffering, Death and Palliative Care [link:]. Moreover, he is editor-in-chief of Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidszorg en Ethiek [Journal for Healthcare and Ethics] (Twitter: @TGE_GO) and he wrote columns on the subject of ethics for TVZ, tijdschrift voor verpleegkundig experts [Journal for Nursing Experts].
In 2007 Olthuis received his PhD at the Radboud University for his study into the moral attitudes of professionals in palliative care practice (link: Prior to working at IQ healthcare, Olthuis worked at the Centre for Ethics and Health in The Hague and he was affiliated as a postgraduate researcher at Tilburg University.
Fields of expertise: medical ethics, ethics of care, medical humanities, (bio)medical education, qualitative research.
- associate professor
- Hoofdredacteur Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidszorg en Ethiek
- Lid Commissie ethiek van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Intensive Care (NVIC)
- Redacteur met aandacht voor 'graphic medicine'. Website 9e (serieus over strips)
- associate professor
Afdeling IQ Health
IQ Health verwerft en verspreidt kennis en methodologie over het voorkomen van ziekten en het verbeteren van de zorg.
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