Personen Femmie de Vegt


dr. ir. Femmie de Vegt

Over Femmie de Vegt

Femmie de Vegt is associate professor and principal lecturer in Epidemiology Education at Radboud University Medical Centre Nijmegen, the Netherlands. She is educator and coordinator in several courses on epidemiology and research methodology in the bachelor and master curricula of Biomedical Sciences (BMS) and Medicine. Since 2008 she is program coordinator for the BMS specialization Epidemiology and since 2018 she is member of the BMS Educational Management Team (OMT3). Femmie is involved in epidemiological and educational research in student populations, focusing on lifestyle & prevention and on integration of research in (bio-)medical curricula. 


  • associate professor Health Evidence


  • Master program Human nutrion and epidemiology at Wageningen University, 1990 - 1996
  • PhD traject at the EMGO Institute for Health and Care research, 1996 - 2000. Thesis: 'Glycaemia and lifestyle in relation to mortality and diabetes in the Hoorn Study - impact of diagnostic criteria'.


  • associate professor

Afdeling IQ Health

IQ Health is een van onze drie wetenschappelijke afdelingen; een afdeling die geen patiëntenzorg verricht, maar focust op onderzoek en onderwijs. Deze afdeling verwerft en verspreidt kennis en methodologie over het voorkomen van ziekten en het verbeteren van de zorg.

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