Over Ellen van den Bogaard
Ellen van den Bogaard studied biomedical sciences at the Radboud University (Nijmegen) and obtained her PhD in 2014 at the Dermatology department of the Radboudumc. She was appointed as full professor in 2021. Ellen heads the Laboratory for Experimental Dermatology at Department of Dermatology and is a Research Group Leader affiliated to the Radboudumc.
"My group studies skin biology and pathophysiology of inflammatory skin diseases. Our aim is to translate findings in basic science to applications in diagnostics and treatment of human disease. We therefore consider our research lines to have a true translational character. Over the years we have developed multiple 3D tissue engineered (organotypic) skin disease models to study the interaction between epidermal keratinocytes, immune cells and the skin microbiome. The combination of these state-of-the-art culture models with advanced (next generation sequencing-based) methods enables us to elucidate disease mechanisms, identify novel targets for drug development and the screening of potentially new dermatological therapies.
- hoogleraar
- Radboud Galilei Track 3 - Talent Development Program
- European Society for Dermatological Research - Acacemy for Future Leaders in Dermatology
- PhD - Cum Laude - Radboud University Nijmegen
- Master of Science - Biomedical Sciences (Human Pathobiology / Toxicology) Radboud University Nijmegen
- 2023: EUROSTARS RVO grant
- 2023: EIC Pathfinder Open Grant
- 2023: LEO Foundation Research Grant
- 2023: EUROSTARS RVO grant
- 2023: EIC Pathfinder Open Grant
- 2023: LEO Foundation Research Grant
- 2022: COST action network grant
- 2022: NWA ORC consortium grant (NGID)
- 2022: EU Twinning grant - TwinPreBioEnz
- 2020: Health Holland PPP allowance grant - Human Measurement Models; PAST4FUTUTRE - Consortium Leader
- 2019: EU-IMI consortium BIOMAP; participant
- 2018: EU-IMI consortium ImmUniverse; participant
- 2019: ZonMw - Off Road subsidy
- 2018: Leo Pharma Foundation grant
- 2018: ZonMw-Off Road grant
- 2018: RIMLS PhD grant
- 2017: National Institute of Health (NIH) - R35 subcontractor grant
- 2016: ZonMw-Meer Kennis met Minder Dieren grant
- 2015: Willy van Heumen prize
- 2015: ZonMw-NWO Veni laureate
- 2014: RIMLS Award for Best PhD thesis 2014
- 2014: Frye Stipend for talented women in science
- Vice-chair UMC-council (medezeggenschap Radboudumc)
- Chair European Epidermal Barrier Research Network (E2BRN)
- Dutch Society for Experimental Dermatology - Scientific program commitee
- Vice-chair UMC-council (medezeggenschap Radboudumc)
- Chair European Epidermal Barrier Research Network (E2BRN)
- Dutch Society for Experimental Dermatology - Scientific program commitee
- COCOM for Dermatology residents - Lecturer
- Radboud Health Academy - Lecturer
- Radboud University (FNWI) - Lecturer
- full professor