dr. Dirk Schubert
Over Dirk Schubert
Principal lecturer & leader research group “Cellular Neurophysiology” . Research focus on the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying neurodevelopmental disorders (ID, Schizophrenie & Epilepsy) lees meerOver Dirk Schubert
Dirk Schubert is research group leader and principal lecturer at the Cognitive Neuroscience Dept. of the RadboudUMC in Nijmegen, Netherland. He obtained his PhD in biology at the HHU Düsseldorf (Germany). There, trained as electrophysiologist, he focused on understanding fundamental aspects of the structural and functional organisation of cortical Excitatory/Inhibitory (E/I) neuronal networks. After a research fellowship at the University of Szeged (Hungary) and a postdoctoral position at the HHU Medical Centre Düsseldorf, he moved to the RadboudUMC to start his lab for “Cellular Neurophysiology”. He and his group currently combine translational research on rodent cortical network development with human stem cells derived neuronal models, the so-called “human brain in the dish” approach, for studying molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying altered E/I balance in monogenic neurodevelopmental disorders associated with intellectual disability, SZ, ASD and epilepsy.
- associate professor
- Dr. rerum naturum, PhD in Biology
- Member of the European Committee for Higher Education and Training (CHET), executive board of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS)
- Principal lecturer; course coordinator/ curriculum organisation for medicine, biomedical sciences, biology and molecular life sciences.
- Cellular Neurophysiology: research focus on neurodevelopmental disorders
- associate professor