prof. dr. Alain van Gool PhD
Over Alain van Gool
Alain van Gool is professor Personalized Healthcare and scientist in the Translational Metabolic Laboratory in the Radboudumc. lees meerOver Alain van Gool
Alain van Gool is professor Personalized Healthcare at the Radboud university medical center, with a strong passion in the application of biomarkers in translational medicine and personalized healthcare. After his study (biochemistry, 1991) and PhD (molecular biology, 1996) Alain worked at a mix of academia, pharmaceutical industries, applied research institutes, university medical centers in Europe, Asia and USA. He has been leading technology-based biomarker laboratories, cross-functional expert teams, therapeutic project teams and public-private consortia, many of which were focused on the discovery, development and implementation of translational biomarkers in a variety of therapeutic areas. His technical expertise resides most strongly in molecular profiling (various Omics approaches), analytical biomarker development and applications in translational scientific research.
Alain thrives to work with specialists to translate basic research to applied science and clinical impact. He coordinates several biomarker/omics/data programs as part of the Translational Metabolic Laboratory including Project leader and PI of the Netherlands X-omics Initiative, is Strategic Advisor to the Executive Board of Radboudumc, co-coordinates the Radboudumc Technology Centers, is Scientific Lead Technologies of DTL (the Dutch Techcenter for Life Sciences), is Chair Biomarker Platform of EATRIS (the European infrastructure for Translational Medicine), is co-initiator of Health-RI (the Netherlands Health Research Infrastructure for Personalized Medicine and Health), thus contributing to the organisation and coordination of local, national and European technology infrastructures. Complementing his daily work, he enjoys contributing to scientific advisory boards of start-up enterpreneurs, multinational companies, translational organisations, funding agencies and conference organisers.
- hoogleraar
- PhD Molecular biology, ErasmusMC, Rotterdam (1996) ‘The Cockayne syndrome B protein: involvement in transcription-coupled DNA repair.’ (PhD thesis)
- M.Sc. Biochemistry Leiden University (1991, cum laude). ‘Interaction of the E. coli UvrABC endonuclease with specific cis-platin.GG and cis-platin.GCG intrastrand crosslinks in vitro.’ (M.Sc. thesis)
- B.Sc Microbiology and biochemistry, Fontys Hogeschool, Eindhoven (1989). ‘Detection of oxygen radicals after exposure of rat long macrophages to silica particles.’ (B.Sc. thesis)
- "Netherlands X-omics Initiative", National large scale research infrastructure (NWO, 2018-2028, €40.000k)
- "EnFORCE", 'Enabling Functional Omics in Routine Clinical Environments' (Health Holland, 2021-2025, €1.007k)
- "EATRIS-Plus", 'Consolidating the capacities of EATRIS-ERIC for Personalised Medicine' (H2020 INFRADEV, 2020-2023, €4.900k)
- "Netherlands X-omics Initiative", National large scale research infrastructure (NWO, 2018-2028, €40.000k)
- "EnFORCE", 'Enabling Functional Omics in Routine Clinical Environments' (Health Holland, 2021-2025, €1.007k)
- "EATRIS-Plus", 'Consolidating the capacities of EATRIS-ERIC for Personalised Medicine' (H2020 INFRADEV, 2020-2023, €4.900k)
- "CliniMARK", 'Good biomarker practice' to increase the number of clinically validated biomarkers', (COST-action, 2017-2021, €750k)
- "PERFORM", 'Personalised Risk assessment in febrile illness to optimise real-life management across the European Union' (EU H2020, 2016-2020, €1.500k)
- "CarTarDis", 'Identification and validation of new pharmaceutical drug targets for cardiovacular disease (EU FP7, 2013-2017, €4.600k)
- "Biomarker Development Centre" (STW Perspectief, 2013-2017, €4.300k)
- 'The CSV-proteome / metabolome as primary biomarker compartment for neuronal disorders' (Top Institute Pharma, 2006-2011, €800k)
Social media
- full professor

In de media
- X-omics vlog Radboudumc proteomics/metabolomics facility Radboudumc 2021
- RIMLS highlight 2018
- Medical Laboratory Observer 2018
- Radboud Reflects: De arts of de app: de ethiek van het zelfmeten 2017
- Sociale Vraagstukken 2017
- Trouw 2017 Interview gezondheidsapps
- Bruker profile of Translational Metabolic Laboratory 2017
- Mijn gezondheidsgids 2017
- Trouw 2017 Personalized medicine
- Medisch Contact 2016
- Interview Elsevier 2015