Translational Neuroscience Expertise and services
We enable researchers to explore the neural basis of cognition, emotion and behavior in rodents, through integrated behavioral and invasive neuroscience facilities with a translational twist.
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Areas of expertise
- Wide range of behavioral set-up to measure motor-related function, cognition, emotion, social behavior and sensory function.
- Neurotechnologies, such as neuropharmacology, chemo- and optogenetics, microdialysis, telemetry, tracing, electrical stimulation and recordings, to causally link in vivo brain mechanisms with behavior.
- Ex vivo techniques to link behavior to (system-level) neuroimaging, and molecular and cellular analyses
TNU offer academic an industrial researchers:
- Advice experimental design
- Neuroscience equipment use (supervised and unsupervised)
- Administrative support
- Basic equipment (e.g. mazes, open fields)
- Automated equipment (e.g. (touch screen) operant cages, Phenotypers, shuttle boxes, conditioning cages)
- Equipment for neurotechnologies (e.g. in vivo electrophysiology, telemetry, microdialysis)
- (DM-II) fully equiped surgery rooms and a wetlab
- Software for data analysis
- Contract research
- Training
- Measurement of locomotion, emotion, cognition & social interactions
- Application of stress paradigms
- Neuropharmacology
- Biotechniques (e.g. stereotactic surgeries)
- Neurotechnologies (e.g. in vivo microdalysis)
- Software applications for data analysis
Fields of research
- Neuropsychiatric disorders
- Neurodegenerative diseases
Donders Institute
TNU is a division of the Donders Institute, enabling links between rodent research to molecular in vitro-work, computational neuroscience, human experimental cognitive neuroscience, human genetics and the clinic.
more on TNURadboudumc Technology Center Animal research facility
This technology center offers advice and support from planning up to and including the conduct of animal research on behalf of biomedical research and education.
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