
Step-by-step guide for existing collections
This is a step-by-step guide to professionalizing an existing collection. Read the general information and step-by-step plan for initiating a collection.
General information
Read about existing collections and biomaterial left-overs and how to start a collection
Define existing collection
Define the existing collection
Define the existing collection with the help of the RB summary table download Summary table existing collectionInitiate
Make appointments
Make appointments with the- Biobank manager to go through the check list
- Biobank IT coordinator if necessary to discuss plans for data capture
- Laboratory manager if necessary to discuss logistics regarding sample collection
Prepare documents
Prepare documents for the CMO Radboudumc review
Fill in the following documents
Fill in the CMO review form and the deelbiobank document and include the attachments (see Procedure Informed Consent)Submit
Create dossier
Fill-in contact details and name of dossier
N.B. You can leave the NL-number en protocol number empty. Within a few minutes you will receive an email with the dossier number and dossier code.Policy regarding unsolicited findings
The incidence of unsolicited findings has increased with the arrival of new techniques for studying biomaterial.
read morePolicy regarding unsolicited findings
The incidence of unsolicited findings has increased with the arrival of new techniques for studying biomaterial. In close collaboration with the department of Human Genetics and the CMO-light, building blocks [LS1] have been developed to assist with documenting patient information and informed consent regarding unsolicited findings. There is also a template form developed for the withdrawal of previously given consent. For more information please contact the Commissie Mensgebonden Onderzoek (METCoost-en-CMO@radboudumc.nl).
Upload documents to the dossier
Use dossier number and dossier code in the email to log in. Upload deelbiobank document, including attachments with your letter of application (NB: you will not receive a confirmation that this has been successful).Get approval
Await the CMO Radboudumc review
Send a copy of the approval to Radboud.Biobank@radboudumc.nl.
Sign contract
Sign contract with the Radboud Biobank
Contact Lovice Sutherland to make an appointment.Prepare and start
Prepare to include patients
Let the Radboud Biobank know a minimum of 2 weeks in advance when you plan to start collecting samples.Steps to take before including patients
Please read and carry out the steps listed in the document "goedkeuring en nu" (Dutch) read moreDescribe the process
Use the template (Dutch) to help document the information and processes regarding the initiation of the collection for all employees involved.
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