Published papers

Electron Microscopy Center

The Electron Microscopy (EM) Center was founded in 2019 by Dr Anat Akiva and prof Nico Sommerdijk to support users in the application of electron microscopy, both using standard techniques as well as the most advanced imaging and analysis strategies.

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Electron Microscopy Center

The Electron Microscopy (EM) Center was founded in 2019 by Dr Anat Akiva and prof Nico Sommerdijk to support users in the application of electron microscopy, both using standard techniques as well as the most advanced imaging and analysis strategies.

Our special focus areas are 3D volume imaging, correlative light and electron microscopy, and cryo-electron microscopy, in which we work to push the techniques and methodology beyond the state-of-the-art . Through a recently awarded NWO-Groot project we now also serve as a National Facility for liquid phase EM of biological materials (BIOMATEM).

Interested? Please contact us!

Rona Roverts BAS
representative EM Center

+316 30 40 59 09
contact form

News, events and publications

RTC Microscopy seminars

Experts and users of the RTC Microscopy present seminars on various microscopy setups and their applications.

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RTC Microscopy seminars

Experts and users of the RTC Microscopy present seminars on various microscopy setups and their applications.

For each edition of the RTC Microscopy Seminars, we aim to include one seminar on electron microscopy, one on light microscopy, and one on image analysis. The seminars target a broad audience and besides presenting the results of a microscopy-based research project, the presenters typically also provide a basic overview of the possibilities and pitfalls of the used techniques. The next RTC Microscopy Seminars will be announced soon. The past events can be found below.

Examples figures from our papers