CytoFLEX (13 colors)

This flow cytometer includes five fluorescent channels from the 488 nm (Blue) laser, three from the 638 nm (Red) laser and five from the 405 nm (Violet) laser.

Acquisition is possible with tubes and 96 (deep) well plates. Volumetric sample injection allows absolute cell counting. The system operates with Cytexpert software.
Generated FCS files can be further analyzed with Kaluza or Flowjo.

Book this analyzer and/or download laser and filter configuration through Radboud's Booking platform, section "CytoFLEX" (for more complex panels, we recommend the CytoFLEX LX).


We have extensive experience with flow cytometry in basic and translational research, ranging from single cell phenotyping and sorting to extensive immuno-profiling in clinical trials. We help in-house and external researchers to obtain high quality flow cytometry results through advice, support, state-of-the-art equipment and (computational) data-analyses tools.


Willemijn Hobo
head of the RTC

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Expertises and services

Let us enhance your research

Researchers, but also knowledge institutes and companies, approach us for our expertise and equipment. For example for:

  • access to equipment
  • advice on panel design
  • advice on data analysis
  • training in flow cytometry
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Let us enhance your research

Researchers from Radboudumc and beyond, but also knowledge institutes and companies, approach us for our expertise and high-end equipment.

Examples of how flow cytometry can be used:

  • (Immune) cell phenotyping
  • Transfection efficiency
  • Cell counting
  • Cell sorting based on fluorescent proteins
  • Multi-well single cell sorting in 6-384 well plates for single analysis applications
  • Nucleic acid analysis/Cell cycle analysis
  • FRET measurements
  • Small particles analysis and sorting
  • Cell function analysis (calcium efflux)

What is flow cytometry?

Flow cytometry allows the interrogation of few to millions of single cells or particles.

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What is flow cytometry?

Flow cytometry is a sophisticated technique that allows interrogation of few to millions of single cells or particles.

Multiple physical characteristics of each individual cell/particle are simultaneously measured, and expression levels of antigens can be detected using fluorescently labelled antibodies. Measured characteristics include amongst others the relative size, granularity/internal complexity, and relative fluorescence intensity of the cell/particle.

Using our equipment and mandatory steps

  • Read more about training and booking options before making use of the Booking platform.

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    It is recommended to get familiar with our equipment and flow cytometry before requesting an instruction on the equipment.

    Users who have been trained on our flow cytometry equipment are allowed to use the equipment without assistance. Individual and group training in the use of our equipment is organized upon request.

    • Training on the analyzers is provided once a month and can be attended upon request.
    • For cell sorters it is optional to be trained yourself, but operators at our technology center are always willing to do the sorting for you. Training is dependent on the amount of sorts you need and the frequency of your experiments.

    After training you are allowed to book our equipment via the booking website. Analyzers can be booked at any open time-slot, as you operate them yourself. Assistance can generally be provided from Mondays to Thursdays at working hours. Sorters can be booked during working hours and will be operated by our staff or by yourself after training.

    We are located in the F-building on the third floor, route 818.


Our conventional flow cytometry analyzers and spectral analyzer allow for simple or more advanced cell analysis. The analyzers are situated in an MLI biohazard room.

  • This advanced flow cytometer presents optimal excitation and emission, minimizing light loss and maximizing sensitivity.

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    CytoFLEX LX (21 colors)

    This flow cytometer is an advanced system presenting optimal excitation and emission, minimizing light loss and maximizing sensitivity. The fully activated instrument includes three fluorescent channels from the 488 nm (Blue) laser, three from the 638 nm (Red) laser, five from the 405 nm (Violet) laser, five from the 561 nm (Yellow Green) laser, three from the 355 nm (UV) laser and two from the 808 nm (Infrared) laser.  

    Acquisition is possible with tubes and 96 (deep) well plates. Volumetric sample injection allows absolute cell counting. The system operates with Cytexpert software. Generated FCS files can be further analyzed with Kaluza or Flowjo.

    Book this analyzer and/or download laser and filter configuration through Radboud's Booking platform, section "CytoFLEX LX".

  • Cellstream

    This flow cytometer combines flow cytometry data with image parameters for better data clean up.
    The machine is especially equipped for small particle measurement like EVs.

    Book this analyzer and/or download laser and filter configuration through Radboud's Booking platform, section "Cellstream".

Cell sorters

Our Aurora cell sorter can measure up to 40 colors and sort 6 populations. The CytoFLEX SRT sorter is placed in an MLII lab allowing for sorting of virally transduced cells.

  • This cell sorter is equipped with 5 lasers. It is able to use previously undistinguishable (of similar) colors and make panels up to 50 colors.

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    This cell sorter is an advanced system that is equipped with 5 lasers: blue, red, violet, yellow-green and UV. It is a spectral flow cytometer using the full spectrum to be able to previously undistinguishable (of similar) colors and make panels up to 50 colors. Auto-fluorescence subtraction is also possible. 
    The sorter allows for 6 way tube-sorting and 96 or 384-well plate sorting. Tube sorting can be performed in 15mL tubes, 5 mL tubes or micro vials. 
    The available nozzle sizes are: 70µm (small particles or purified lymphocytes), 85µm (blood or bone marrow), 100µm (most cell lines and epithelial cells), 130µm (large cells like megakaryocytes or (differentiated) IPSCs).

    Book this cell sorter and/or download laser and filter configuration through Radboud's Booking platform, section "AuroraCS".

  • CytoFLEX SRT

    This cell sorter can be used mainly for GMO material, both MLI and MLII.

    This device has 4 lasers (405, 488, 562 and 633) and 15 fluorescent channels. 4 way sorting and 96 or 364 wells plates are possible, nozzle size is 100µm

    Users are allowed to operate the machine themselves after an introduction.

    The following fluorescent proteins are suitable for sorting with the SRT:

    • GFP; YFP; CFP; RFP; mCherry; dsRed and many other

    These dyes are usually used in combination with a viability dye suitable for one of the lasers.

    Book this analyzer and/or download laser and filter configuration through Radboud's Booking platform, section "CytoFLEX SRT".


  • We offer Kaluza analysis software (Beckman Coulter) as a flow cytometry analysis tool in the Radboudumc network. This software can process files generated on CytoFLEX and AuroraCS. This software is easy to use and will accommodate many research questions.

Also see...

GMO information

We comply with the GMO (genetically modified organisms) rules and regulations of Radboudumc. GMOs for analysis and sorting should be mentioned in the central GMO license. MLI cells can be measured and sorted in our technology center. MLII cells for analysis should be fixed with 1% PFA. MLII cells for sorting are registered in our local logbook. Please contact our technology center for more information.


Do you want to increase your knowledge of flow cytometry? Every year, the Radboudumc organizes several events in which flow cytometry is central, such as the 'Meet the expert' sessions or symposia on, for example, (high-dimensional) data analysis. When available, these events appear in the general research agenda.

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Organization and people

Getting here

Building: F
Floor: 3
Route: 818

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Getting here


Go to Building F, Floor 3 and follow route 818

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