
  • On annual basis approximately 400 short consultancies on research projects within Radboudumc
  • Impact on drug regulatory innovation, with recent publications on subgroup analyses, master protocols, estimands and standards for evaluating biosimilars
  • Improved standards for animal experiments (contributing to the 3Rs)
  • Full contribution to design and analyses in approximately 100 scientific publications annually
  • Key statistical assessor in approximately 60 scientific advices


We provide advice on biostatistical questions, from design to interpretation of statistical analyses.


dr. Scott Maurits MSc
RTC coordinator

Contact our team:
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Expertises and services

Statistical support

We provide statistical support to our researchers, to students during their internships and to external interested parties.

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We aim to foster a research environment in which researchers can easily consult experts.

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We aim to foster a research environment in which researchers can easily consult experts.

We have two main modes of service:

  • Short advice (up to 4 hours) to support for example grant applications, research design and statistical analyses, for publicly or internally funded research conducted by Radboudumc.
  • Project based service, preferably from the research question/design up to publication stages.


See our topics of expertise.

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Our expertise includes the following topics:

  • Prediction modeling
  • Clinical trial design
  • Adaptive and sequential design
  • Survival analysis and modeling
  • Sample size and power for complex designs
  • Meta-analysis and systematic reviews
  • Statistical analysis of binary data (logistic regression)
  • Multivariate methods (discriminant analysis, factor analysis, pattern recognition)
  • (Advanced) regression modeling (including nonlinear, splines)
  • Statistics in drug development and drug regulation

Questions related to health economics

We work closely with RTC Health economics. See their page for more information on advice on health economic/HTA questions.

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See how we have impact within research.

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We offer several courses on methodology.

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We offer several courses on methodology. These are either courses part of the Biomedical Sciences master program of the Radboudumc or post-academic courses, both given by experts from our department. More information on master courses can be found in the course guide of the master Biomedical Sciences.

We offer the following master courses:

  • Design and analysis of experiments (BMS14)
  • Statistical modeling in observational research (BMS61)
  • Longitudinal and multilevel analysis (BMS84)
  • Clinical Trials (BMS48)

We offer the following post-academic courses:

  • Statistics for Clinical Researchers
  • Introduction in using R

For more information on the post-academic courses, please contact us through the secretarial office by e-mail.

Our experts