
  • To improve the recognition of hereditary cancer, the knowledge on the phenotype of cancer predisposition syndromes and novel genetic factors needs to be expanded, for which both phenotypic and genetic information of DNA from blood and of DNA from tumours is essential. 
  • To improve the diagnostics of hereditary cancer, strategies to give patients access to genetic testing and the optimal genetic diagnostic test strategies need to be evaluated and optimized to meet the patient’s needs.
  • To improve the treatment of hereditary cancer, the effect of current treatment strategies that mostly follow the guidelines of the given tumour type, need to be evaluated as for our rare patient groups more tailored treatment strategies are necessary and warrant exploration. The increasing knowledge about mechanism behind the most frequent cancer predisposition syndromes gives ample opportunities for this.
  • To improve cancer prevention in individuals with a genetic predisposition to develop cancer, the access to current multidisciplinary surveillance programs and risk reducing interventions (e.g. surgery or medication) need optimization and the efficiency of these measures needs to be evaluated.

Research Research programs Hereditary cancer:

Our purpose

We aim to optimize the care for individuals with a (rare) genetic tumour risk syndrome (GENTURIS) and their relatives.


See some of the most important goals for this research program.

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Research groups contributing to this research program


dr. Richarda de Voer

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prof. dr. Marjolijn Ligtenberg

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prof. dr. Nicoline Hoogerbrugge

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