Our purpose
We aim to have impact on the amelioration of cerebrovascular disease by putting prevention on the agenda, unravelling the aetiology of stroke, by improving the diagnosis of stroke, and by improving outcome and prognosis of patients with a stroke.
- To prevent cerebrovascular disease, the researchers in this program play an active role in (social) media, scientific boards and university medical center wide programs to promote awareness of the fact that most cerebrovascular diseases are preventable with a healthy life style (for example by connection to research program “exercise = medicine) and that risk factors may go unrecognized, calling for early detection. Research group leaders are also very active at the population level to identify and treat hypertension in the prevention of stroke and cognitive sequels.
- To identify causes of haemorrhagic and ischemic stroke. RGL have a strong track record in assessing causes of hemorrhagic stroke including macrovascular causes, sporadic small vessel disease and CAA. RGL are actively studying potential diagnostic biomarkers for CAA. Other RGL have a profound interest in investigating causes of ischemic stroke, especially in the young.
- To improve prognosis of stroke by developing new approaches in the acute treatment of stroke, rehabilitation and in (withdrawal of) secondary prevention. In addition to the global aim of reducing mortality, RGLs have a common key focus on improving mobility and participation outcomes (thus increasing QALYs). Critically, these endeavors are informed by novel mechanistic insights and technological advances, as provided by the group of RGLs and their (inter)national networks.