Our purpose
We aim to develop and continuously update technical expertise to analyse cellular adaptive immunity and update, develop and standardize tools and computational analyses and modelling of the data across disease fields.
- Develop and continuously update technical expertise to analyse cellular adaptive immunity and update, develop and standardize tools and computational analyses and modelling of the data across disease fields.
- Leverage these tools and gain knowledge to develop new or improved diagnostic tests and treatments.
- Increase our knowledge into the biology of the adaptive immune system in health and disease.
- Obtain collaborative grants to initiate new collaborations and continue existing ones. Funding opportunities will be exploited both from national and international sources (EU, US NIH) and from public and private sources.
- Structurally participate in educational tracks, initially of master student courses. Develop educational/instructive/interactive multimedia content in collaboration with patient associations that explains the role of our adaptive immune cells in diseases, like autoreactive T/B cells in Sjogren and systemic sclerosis or boosting immunity by vaccines.