
  • Identifying mechanisms of therapy resistance in model systems.
  • Exploiting molecular knowledge to overcoming therapy resistance in vitro, in preclinical models, in silico.
  • Clinically relevant improved targeting strategies and precision medicine.
  • Collective processes in tumor biology and immune defense.
  • In vivo registration and repurposing molecular reporters across tissue types and disease models.
  • Understanding and targeting fibrosis.
  • 3D models and  targeting of the myofiber compartment.
  • Reactive oxygen species-(ROS-) targeted therapies.

Research Research programs 3D biology and disease mechanisms

Our purpose

We aim to identify mechanisms of therapy resistance in model systems.


See some of the most important goals for this research program.

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Research groups contributing to this research program


prof. dr. Alessandra Cambi

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prof. dr. Peter Friedl

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prof. dr. Jack Schalken

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