We focus on the development of biomechanical simulations and innovations and their translation to clinical practice, to deliver the best care for patients with musculoskeletal disorders.
Research group leader
dr. ir. Dennis Janssen
We focus on the following topics:
- Biomechanical evaluation of fixation and survival of implants, focusing on standard joint replacement implants (that are suitable for the majority of the patients) and on patient-specific implants that we develop in-house.
- Functional reconstruction of joint deformities. Rather than restoring the shape or anatomy, our group performs research on restoring and optimizing functionality.
- Early interventions and joint-preserving surgery, to prevent osteoarthritis and avoid large orthopaedic reconstructions at an early stage.
The following methods and technology are used in our research:
This research is aimed at the development of fundamental material models to describe the biomechanical behavior of bone. Realistic material models are essential for reliable simulations of implant fixation and survival of orthopaedic reconstructions. We developed material models to simulate the plastic (permanent) deformation of bone during the implantation process, which has a significant effect on the primary stability. We currently investigate the effect of time-dependent (viscoelastic) behavior of bone on implant fixation to further improve our simulations of implant fixation.
To make model predictions more robust, we use population-based analyses. Traditional computational analyses focus on a single, thoroughly validated model. While very accurate, such models lack robustness to make predictions on a population level. In population-based modeling a large number of models is analyzed, representing a patient population. This enables analysis of the effect of variability in patient characteristics (e.g. age, gender, BMI, bone quality), surgical procedure, and implant design features on outcome. We use this approach to identify critical factors influencing implant functioning. Our goal is to incorporate our advanced fundamental models in population-based modeling.
Biomechanical analyses ensure (bio)mechanical safety of new technology and interventions that are developed at our department. We closely collaborate with our clinical colleagues on patient-specific implants, patellofemoral instability, and dynamic CT imaging of joint kinematics.
In these collaborations we perform biomechanical analyses and provides know-how on mechanical engineering, to ensure clinical safety and efficacy. We performed the biomechanical analyses, designed, and developed a patient-specific 3D-printed titanium acetabular implant that will be used in clinical care for patient requiring revision surgery. There is an exponential growth in the use of patient-specific implants, and there is an equal increase in the risk of implant failure or early loosening of these devices. Rigorous biomechanical evaluation is therefore of vital importance to warrant patient safety.
Osteoarthritis is a major cause for disability and reduced mobility. Osteoarthritis is a complex, multi-factorial disease, with a major role for joint biomechanics and cartilage overload. We previously developed models to predict the development of osteoarthritis after surgical interventions, such as reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament and the implementation of a meniscus implant for patients with meniscus tears. Our focus in cartilage research is on the analysis of the effect of full-body musculoskeletal loading on local cartilage stresses. Within the framework of ICMS, our goal is to further develop these finite element models, and to combine these with musculoskeletal models.
Internationally we are also known as
Orthopaedic Research Lab
Research programs
Programs that are connected to this research group.