Research Research groups Precision medicine in genito-urinary cancers


We aim to improve outcome for patients with solid cancer, particular for targeted- and immunotherapies, by use of more accurate and novel molecular diagnostics.

Research group leader

dr. Niven Mehra


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With our bench-to-bedside approach, based on patient-focused aims, we will: 

  1. develop new technologies and improved bioinformatics
  2. validate these using in-silico- or existing next-generation sequencing data and/or pre-clinical models
  3. focus on prospective testing
  4. collaboratively work towards extrapolating findings in one tumour type to others. 

These aims will lead to more accurate genotyping of solid cancers, prediction of outcome and toxicity and response assessment.

Other aims are harrmonising tissue and data collection in biobanks in Radboud university medical center and within OncoOost, and translate findings towards trials including health-technology assessment. 


See some of our most important scientific articles.

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