About this research group
This research group focuses on the extracellular matrix under physiological and pathological conditions. The extracellular matrix is studied to rationally design and implement acellular biodegradable biomaterials that promote the patient’s own regenerative capacity.
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The research group has two focus areas related to soft tissue regeneration:
With respect to biomaterials, an in vivo regenerative approach is envisoned, in which the biomaterials form the scaffold that instruct cells to regenerate the original tissue. This goal is studied by structuring the scaffold (physical cues) and applying (bio)molecules that stimulate cellular differentiation (biological cues) or applying specific release systems. In a natural situation, it is the extracellular matrix that functions as this scaffold. It is therefore a rational choice to use (molecules from) the extracellular matrix as biomaterials in regenerative medicine. Research on soft tissue regeneration encompasses e.g. skin, skeletal muscle and urogenital tissues (like bladder, urethra and ureters). Congenital anomalies that need closure of a defect are a particular topic of interest, e.g. congenital diaphragmatic hernia and spina bifida, as in the growing child restoration of functional tissue that can grow with the child is of vital importance.
With respect to glycosaminoglycans, the sugar moiety of proteoglycans, our research studies their role in health and disease, e.g. ovarian cancer, Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s Disease. The lab’s single chain variable fragment antibodies against glycosaminoglycan epitopes provide a unique tool for these studies.
Our group made several discoveries and our research forms the basis of various projects.
Lees meerDiscoveries
- Plugging the Gap: An enabling technology to prevent rupture of fetal membranes in fetal endoscopic surgery (ZonMw & Health~Holland), consortium coordinator (news item)
- SkinTERM: Skin Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine: From skin repair to regeneration (MSCA-ITN), consortium coordinator (website)
- DIAPATCH: A functional tissue-generating patch for diaphragmatic hernia closure (NWO-OTP) with University of Twente Diapatch, consortium coordinator (news item)
- HS-SEQ: Heparin and Heparan Sulphate: From sequence determination to therapeutic strategies for Parkinson’s disease (FET-Open) (website)
- Spatiotemporal signalling scaffolds mitigating skin fibrosis (Radboudumc RIMLS) (news item)
- Early diagnosis of ovarian cancer with a new class of biomarkers: chondroitin sulfate (PVE), PVE grant overian cancer (news item)
- ArrestAD: 3-O-sulfated heparan sulfate translocation in altered membrane biology: A new strategy for early population screening and halting Alzheimer’s neurodegeneration (FET-Open) (website)