About our equipment

Conjoint measures of behavior & cognition and brain imaging are indispensable  for corroboration of the relation between e.g. cognition and brain metabolism, blood flow, and white matter (connectivity) as measured  with MRS, ASL, DTI and fcMRI. In the Behavior & Cognition Facilities, (social) behavior, cognition, sensory-motor integration and blood pressure in neural development, adolescence, ageing and neurodegenerative diseases can be measured in several mice models, in relation to e.g. lifestyle (diet and exercise) or drug compounds.

The EthoVision XT ® (15) tracking software is used in PRIME for all cognitive tests like the open field test, or tests with mazes such as the Morris water maze or the Barnes maze. This video tracking software tracks and analyses the behavior, cognition, movement, and activity of animals in multiple arenas or mazes. With the Multiple Body Point Module social interaction between animals can be monitored as well. In the available Phenotyper Systems in PRIME, animals can be observed automated for 24 hrs a day. The Automatic Behavior Recognition module of EthoVision XT ® (15) recognizes a list of ten mouse behaviors (Grooming, hopping, supported rearing, unsupported rearing, digging, sniffing, walking, resting, eating, and drinking) automatically. For the Phenotyper systems we also use the Noldus Lickometer, Mouse Feeding Monitor and PhenoWheels. Noldus lickometer accurately detects any contact made with the spout of a water bottle. Using the Mouse Feeding monitor we can measure the feeding behavior. With the PhenoWheels respectively running wheels we can measure the activity of the mouse. Furthermore, animals can be monitored for 24 hrs a day in their own homecages being now possible in the new Digital Ventilated Cages (Tecniplast). Here, during both day- & nighttime animal activity (group- & single-housed mice) and also walked distance & velocity, turn, laterality (only single-housed mice) in their own homecages are recorded. Additionally, GYM500 - Activity Wheel (Tecniplast) is also available to measure running activity inside the homecage.

The behavior facility in PRIME also includes two Laser Doppler systems (moorVMS-LDF, Moor Instruments),two Rotarods (IITC Inc), and two Grip Strength Meters (UGO BASILE) besides two Open Fields, two Morris Water Mazes, a Barnes Maze, a Pole Test, Tail Cuff Plethysmography (IITC Inc) and SR-LAB (startle response system).
Research Facilities Behavior and cognition

About our equipment

In the Behavior & Cognition Facilities, (social) behavior, cognition, sensory-motor integration and blood pressure in neural development, adolescence, ageing and neurodegenerative diseases can be measured in several mice models. read more

Applications in PRIME

These Behavior & Cognition Facilities are used at PRIME for several studies. read more

Applications in PRIME

These Behavior & Cognition Facilities are used at PRIME to:

  • study diet effects on cognition during neural development and aging
  • cognition and motor activity in aging and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer
  • neurovascular diseases like hypertension and stroke.

Open Field

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Amanda Kiliaan

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Maximilian Wiesmann

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Department Anatomy

The department of Anatomy studies the human body. We mainly focus on clinical anatomic education and neuroanatomic science research. read more