
2020 was COVID-19 year. Research was put on hold for several months. This and the additional need for care takes and the contingency measures such as social distancing had major influence on our researchers. At the same time, we are very proud that many of our researchers led and contributed to important research projects to gain knowledge about the virus and treatment thereof. Important findings were made available at an unprecedented speed to contribute to the worldwide battle of the virus.

Publications related to COVID-19
A presentation of COVID-19 related publications from our researchers
Buijsers B, Yanginlar C, de Nooijer A, Grondman I, Maciej-Hulme ML, Jonkman I, Janssen NAF, Rother N, de Graaf M, Pickkers P, Kox M, Joosten LAB, Nijenhuis T, Netea MG, Hilbrands L, van de Veerdonk FL, Duivenvoorden R, de Mast Q, van der Vlag J. Increased plasma heparanase activity in COVID-19 patients. Front Immunol 11:575047, 2020.
Buijsers B, Yanginlar C, Maciej-Hulme ML, de Mast Q, van der Vlag J. Beneficial non-anticoagulant mechanisms underlying heparin treatment of COVID-19 patients. EBioMedicine 59:102969, 2020.
Debisarun PA, Struycken P, Domínguez-Andrés J, Moorlag SJCFM, Taks E, Gössling KL, Ostermann PN, Müller L, Schaal H, ten Oever J, van Crevel R, Netea MG. The effect of influenza vaccination on trained immunity: impact on COVID-19. MetRxiv: 20212498, 2020.
- Dinmohamed AG, Visser O, Verhoeven RHA, Louwman MWJ, van Nederveen FH, Willems SM, Merkx MAW, Lemmens VEPP, Nagtegaal ID, Siesling S. Fewer cancer diagnoses during the COVID-19 epidemic in the Netherlands. Lancet Oncol S1470-2045: 30265-5, 2020.
- Gansevoort RT, Hilbrands LB. CKD is a key risk factor for COVID-19 mortality. Nat Rev Nephrol 16:705-706, 2020.
- Hilbrands LB, Duivenvoorden R, Vart P, Franssen CFM, Hemmelder MH, Jager KJ, Kieneker LM, Noordzij M, Pena MJ, Vries H, Arroyo D, Covic A, Crespo M, Goffin E, Islam M, Massy ZA, Montero N, Oliveira JP, Roca Muñoz A, Sanchez JE, Sridharan S, Winzeler R, Gansevoort RT. ERACODA Collaborators. COVID-19-related mortality in kidney transplant and dialysis patients: results of the ERACODA collaboration. Nephrol Dial Transplant 35:1973-1983, 2020.
- Meijers B, Hilbrands LB. The clinical characteristics of coronavirus-associated nephropathy. Nephrol Dial Transplant 35:1279-1281, 2020.
- Netea MG, Giamarellos-Bourboulis EJ, Domínguez-Andrés J, Curtis N, van Crevel R, van de Veerdonk FL, Bonten M. Trained immunity: a tool for reducing susceptibility to and the severity of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Cell 181:969-977, 2020.
- Noordzij M, Duivenvoorden R, Pena MJ, de Vries H, Kieneker LM; ERACODA Working Group. ERACODA: the European database collecting clinical information of patients on kidney replacement therapy with COVID-19. Nephrol Dial Transplant 35:2023-2025, 2020.
- Rother N, Yanginlar C, Lindeboom RGH, Bekkering S, van Leent MMT, Buijsers B, Jonkman I, de Graaf M, Baltissen M, Lamers LA, Riksen NP, Fayad ZA, Mulder WJM, Hilbrands LB, Joosten LAB, Netea MG, Vermeulen M, van der Vlag J, Duivenvoorden R. Hydroxychloroquine inhibits the trained innate immune response to interferons. Cell Rep Med 1: 100146, 2020.
- Schoot TS, Kerckhoffs APM, Hilbrands LB, van Marum RJ. Immunosuppressive drugs and COVID-19: A Review. Front Pharmacol 11:1333, 2020.
- van de Veerdonk F, Netea MG, van Deuren M, van der Meer, JW, de Mast Q, Bruggemann RJ, van der Hoeven H. Kinins and cytokines in COVID-19: A comprehensive pathophysiological approach. Preprints 2020040023, 2020.
- Van de Veerdonk FL, Kouijzer IJE, de Nooijer AH, van der Hoeven HG, Maas C, Netea MG, Brüggemann RJM. Outcomes associated with use of a kinin B2 receptor antagonist among patients with COVID-19. JAMA Netw Open 3:e2017708, 2020.
- van de Veerdonk FL, Netea MG, van Deuren M, van der Meer JWM, de Mast Q, Brüggemann RJ, van der Hoeven H. Kallikrein-kinin blockade in patients with COVID-19 to prevent acute respiratory distress syndrome. Elife 9:e57555, 2020.
- van der Made CI, Simons A, Schuurs-Hoeijmakers J, van den Heuvel G, Mantere T, Kersten S, van Deuren RC, Steehouwer M, van Reijmersdal SV, Jaeger M, Hofste T, Astuti G, Corominas Galbany J, van der Schoot V, van der Hoeven H, Hagmolen of ten Have W, Klijn E, van den Meer C, Fiddelaers J, de Mast Q, Bleeker-Rovers CP, Joosten LAB, Yntema HG, Gilissen C, Nelen M, van der Meer JWM, Brunner HG, Netea MG, van de Veerdonk FL, Hoischen A. Presence of genetic variants among young men with severe COVID-19. JAMA 324:1-11, 2020. PMID 32706371.
- Verweij PE, Gangneux J-P, Bassetti M, Brüggemann RJM, Cornely OA, Koehler P, Lass-Flörl C, van de Veerdonk FL, Chakrabarti A, Hoenigl M. Diagnosing COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis. The Lancet Microbe 1:e53-e55, 2020.
- Wagener FADTG, Pickkers P, Peterson SJ, Immenschuh S, Abraham NG. Targeting the heme-heme oxygenase system to prevent devere vomplications following COVID-19 infections. Antioxidants (Basel) 9:540, 2020.

Avinash Dinmohamed et al. Lancet Oncologie publication
Avinash G Dinmohamed, Otto Visser, Rob H A Verhoeven, Marieke W J Louwman, Francien H van Nederveen, Stefan M Willems, Matthias A W Merkx, Valery EPP Lemmens, Iris D Nagtegaal, Sabine Siesling. Fewer cancer diagnoses during the COVID-19 epidemic in the Netherlands. Lancet Oncol S1470-2045: 30265-5, 2020

Grants related to COVID-19
A respresentation of some COVID-19 related grants of our researchers:
Consortium H2020
SC1-PHE-Coronavirus-2020: RECOVER - Rapid European COVID-19 Emergency research response. Frank van de Veerdonk, Infectious diseases and global health.
Total grant: 5,000 kEuro. Awarded Radboudumc: 188 kEuro.
ZonMw COVID-19 Second Wave call
A phase-2-study, pivotal for clinical development of lanadelumab for treatment of COVID-19. Frank van de Veerdonk, Infectious diseases and global health.
Total grant: 500 kEuro. Awarded Radboudumc: 500 kEuro.
Integrative analysis of multi-omics longitudinal data to identify effective strategies for the prediction and treatment of COVID-19. Vinod Kumar Magadi Gopalaiah, Infectious diseases and global health.
Total grant: 500 kEuro. Awarded Radboudumc: 500 kEuro.
ZonMW Health Holland grant
LSH-TKI EUREKA COVID-19 Network call: COVABELP. Development of an elastin-like peptide based theranostic platform technology to fight SARS-CoV-2. William Leenders, Nanomedicine.
Total grant: 350 kEuro. Awarded Radboudumc: 140 kEuro.