Peer coaching

Nowadays, the interdisciplinary research involves many different people  with different and requires a lot of communication, sometimes leading to confrontation or disagreement. Working in a new organization or a new group can lead to different situations, where you might ask yourself, if you handle it optimally.  In a peer coaching group (“intervisie groep”) you can discuss your (non-technical) problems or dilemmas in a structured way with peers. This method is often used to reflect on current practices; expand, refine, and train new skills; share ideas and to solve problems in the workspace. Within Radboudumc, existing peer coaching groups are used to optimize the learning process and contribute to reduce the observed stress.

A peer coaching group consists of up to approx. eight postdocs. Each group will receive a training in the methodology (2 hours) during the introduction for Postdocs. Thereafter, the postdocs are responsible  themselves for the regular sessions (about four 2-hour sessions per year), which will be led by one of the participants. The things discussed in the groups will be strictly confidential, creating a safe environment to share the existing challenges.

For more information, please send an email to Postdoc & Career office.

Start of your trajectory
to start with
Registration steps
Things to do
within 3 months
Postdoc Development Plan
Mentoring and coaching
Next phases
Next phases

Start of your trajectory

Welcome to the Radboudumc

We hope you will have an enjoyable and scientifically productive time. Your postdoctoral period is a time of growth towards your independent career. Following your scientific career in a large organization such as the Radboudumc needs a little bit of guidance. To help you on your way, please go through the information in the timeline.

Checklist part 1

This checklist is a guideline for the steps to be taken.

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Checklist part 1

  1. Sign your contract at HR
  2. Subscribe for the introduction day for research personnel (4 times a year) via HR officer or OLO (Online Leer Omgeving), and send an e-mail to
  3. Arrange all important documents, badges, introduction to facilities, etcetera via your department
  4. Subscribe for the Research newsletter, the Radboud Postdoc Initiative (RPI) and Grant Support Office (GSO)
  5. Fill in your intranet profile and ask Postbus Web to activate your internet profile (the internet profile will be filled automatically with information available in our HR and Metis systems and with information available on your intranet profile)
  6. Create a ResearcherID and send your information to the Metis contact person (contact information can be found on the linked ResearcherID page)
  7. Read the Personal Development Plan (PDP) information folder (see 'Postdoc development plan' phase within this timeline) and plan a PDP meeting with your supervisor
  8. Check the Radboudumc website, OLO page and PDP information folder for relevant courses and workshops on professional and personal development

Go directly to the other checklists:


Registration steps

Complete your profile page on Radboudumc

All our employees have an internal Radboudumc profile page and can have an external Radboudumc profile page on request.

read more (intranet)

Create a personal ResearcherID

The Radboudumc expects you to register as a researcher using a unique ResearcherID number. You can create a profile and post a list of publications online using the Web of Science services.

Postdoc office

Radboud Postdoc and career office is a contact place for all postdocs and last year PhD candidates. Furthermore, it is a source of information you need to know for you professional and personal development. By sending the office an e-mail you will automatically register for the postdoc e-mail list. e-mail

Things to do


Introduction for postdocs

Radboud university medical centre organizes general introduction days for all new employees. For the research personnel there are four so-called Radboud Orientation Program for Postdoc days.

  • Postdocs who started to work at Radboudumc less than six months ago are welcome to participate in one of four introduction days.

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    General introduction

    The introduction for new employees consists of number of parts: digital preparation viewing eight videos, a mandatory on-site introduction day, and for PhD candidates and postdoc an additional target-group specific introduction organized by Graduate school and Postdoc & career office.

    Digital preparation

    Via the Onboarding Application Appical you will get access to a number of videos and information for new employees. You will be taken through the most important topics what we as Radboud university medical center (Radboudumc) stand for: our strategy, our vision, and especially the way we want to shape those things at Radboudumc every single day.

    We want to inform the employees of our organization as best as possible when it comes to current and future developments. A lot of information and best practices can be found on the intranet. Thus, the films provide you with links to the relevant information about the topic at hand. Have fun watching the films. For translation adjust the settings in the video.

    On site introduction

    As a part of the general introduction day for the new research employees of the Radboudumc, on-site introduction is organized four times a year. The upcoming date can be found here.

    Participation in this introduction day is mandatory. You need to enroll via the abovementioned link; in case you experience problems, please contact Postbus Introductiedagen Human Resources.

    You will learn

    The introduction day will give you an idea of what the Radboud university medical center stands for, how the research is organized, what the important issues to deal with as a researcher are, and how you can contribute.

    Furthermore, an additional introduction specific for postdocs is organized by the Postdoc & career office, which will start the day after the General introduction for research personnel.

    If you have questions, please contact Postdoc & career office.

Postdoc Development Plan

Personal Development Plan (PDP) for postdocs

The aim of the PDP is to stimulate postdocs to be proactive in their own career development and to catalyze the communication with your supervisor. download

Mentoring and coaching

Buddy program

Radboud University offers a Buddy Programme for all new incoming staff members of Radboud University and Radboudumc. read more

Buddy program

Radboud University offers a Buddy Programme for all new incoming staff members of Radboud University and Radboudumc.  This programme seeks to facilitate an easy transition for new incoming staff into life in the Netherlands. By being a social point of reference, a buddy plays a key role in helping a newcomer feel at home and welcomed into our community. The buddy may invite the new colleague for cup of coffee, a tour around Nijmegen or show them the social and cultural habits of our country.

Because of the far-reaching impact of the corona measures many of  international students, PhD's and staff, the extra  activity is developed. With the Buddy Box we want to offer international students or staff support in the form of a buddy – someone they can talk to online, to whom they can ask their questions and someone who lets them know that they are not alone. we also ask the buddies to send a shoe box full of fun things you want to share with your match.

You are also welcome to become a buddy to help an(other) international Radboud student or colleague! To sign up visit  the one of abovementioned pages.


The mentoring for postdocs is envisaged to be a voluntary program. The mentor can support and guide you as well as stimulate you to critically look at and reflect upon your learning objectives and outcomes.

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It is envisaged to be a voluntary program. The mentor can support and guide you as well as stimulate you to critically look at and reflect upon your learning objectives and outcomes. In the context of your personal and scientific development, your mentor could discuss career progress with regard to your specific goals (research and education), ambitions and interests. Confidentiality will be maintained at all times.

In case you are  interested, please contact Postdoc & Career office.

Peer coaching

In a peer coaching group you can discuss your (non-technical) problems or dilemmas in a structured way with peers.

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