Peer-to-peer talk

PhD candidate members of the Radboudumc PhD council will meet you in a small group of fellow PhD candidates  that have just started to provide background information about the Radboudumc Graduate School PhD program and other PhD related affairs. It is a great way to meet some of your colleagues and get handy tips for success!

You will receive an invitation from the Radboudumc Graduate School to participate in this meeting. For more information about the peer-to-peer welcome contact the Radboudumc Graduate School.

to start with
Registration as a PhD candidate
Registering in Hora Finita
Create profile
Things to do
within 3 months
Training and Supervision Plan
Data Management Plan
Register for courses
Make introductions
first six months
Graduate School
Grant Support
PhD councils
PhD networks: Broaden your network
Next phases
for current PhD candidates
for completing your PhD



Passion, promotor and project Welcome to the Radboudumc

We hope you have an enjoyable and scientifically productive time. Starting your PhD may be a little daunting, especially in a large organization such as Radboudumc. To help you on your way, please go through the information in the timeline.

Radboud University

PhD candidates at Radboudumc graduate within Radboud University. It is therefore also wise to read the information on their website. visit website

Scientific integrity

Radboudumc believes scientific integrity is the basis of science itself. Therefore, please read about scientific integrity at Radboudumc before beginning your PhD. There is also a mandatory course on scientific integrity.

see page

Surviving your PhD

To help you along, you can read the book 'Mastering Your PhD'.

see file


Registration as a PhD candidate

Registration as a PhD candidate

It is important that all PhD candidates are registered with HR in time (3-4 weeks prior to starting date for PhD candidates with a Dutch nationality, minimal 3 months for PhD candidates with a non-Dutch nationality) so that formal access to the PhD program and submission of the TSP via Hora Finita can be arranged within three months.

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Registration as a PhD candidate

It is important that all PhD candidates are registered with HR in time (3-4 weeks prior to starting date for PhD candidates with a Dutch nationality, minimal 3 months for PhD candidates with a non-Dutch nationality) so that formal access to the PhD program and submission of the TSP via Hora Finita can be arranged within three months.

In the registration process, the following types of PhD candidates are distinguished:

  • Regular PhD candidate (“Onderzoeker in Opleiding (OIO)”)You can register a new regular PhD candidate through the appointment process in HR Self-Service (Request (new) agreement - PIL or PNIL).
  • External PhD candidate
    An external PhD candidate must have a "with permission present" (MTA) contract. You can also register this PhD candidate through the appointment process in HR Self-Service (Request (new) agreement - PIL or PNIL). Please indicate in the 'comment HRO' whether this person is physically coming to NL yes or no. In the case of an MTA contract, full ICT account (Intranet + mail + workplace) must be chosen.
  • Radboudumc employee starting a PhD trajectory
    An employee who is already employed at the Radboudumc and starts a PhD program (e.g., a medical specialist who starts a PhD project) can be registered by filling in for this person the requested data navigating via 'Mijn Radboudumc > e-HR (HR Zelfservice) > Contract > Haal contracten op > Promotiegegevens' (start and end date, expected PhD date, research institute). This can be done by the supervisor or the employee.

When a PhD candidate is registered in the above way, he/she will automatically receive a request to start filling in the registration in Hora Finita.

Also at the end of the PhD, each PhD candidate needs a contract to be able to finish the PhD process in Hora Finita. More information can be found in this PhD candidate timeline.

Additional questions

Please contact us for additional questions.

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Additional questions

For additional questions about Hora Finita, please contact Hora Finita or one of the Graduate Schools (Radboudumc Graduate School or Donders Graduate School). Questions regarding contracts can be directed to your HR officer.

Registering in Hora Finita

Hora Finita

Hora Finita is a software system used by the Radboud University and the Radboudumc to register and follow all PhD candidates and generate necessary digital correspondence for thesis submission and graduation. Any researcher in a PhD project under the supervision of a Radboudumc professor must be registered here, including external PhD candidates. read more

Hora Finita

Hora Finita is a software system used by the Radboud University and the Radboudumc to register and follow all PhD candidates and generate the necessary digital correspondence for thesis submission and graduation. Any researcher in a PhD project under the supervision of a Radboudumc professor must be registered in this system, including external PhD candidates.

Go directly to the Hora Finita system: (please use Chrome, Edge or Safari).

Instruction manuals for Hora Finita can be found here.

Overview PhD trajectories

The Radboudumc Graduate School and Donders Graduate School have slightly different trajectories and procedures.

FAQ about Hora Finita

If you have any questions about Hora Finita, please check out the answers to frequently asked questions before contacting us.

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FAQ about Hora Finita

For additional questions about Hora Finita, please contact Hora Finita or your Graduate School (Radboudumc Graduate School or Donders Graduate School).

This FAQ is divided into the topics 'General', 'PhD Checklist', 'Checkpoints', 'Training activities (portfolio)' and 'Manuscript'.

Create profile

Complete your profile page on Radboudumc

All our employees have an internal Radboudumc profile page and can have an external Radboudumc profile page on request.

read more (intranet)

Create a personal ResearcherID

The Radboudumc expects you to register as a researcher using a unique ResearcherID number. You can create a profile and post a list of publications online using the Web of Science services.

Things to do

Training and Supervision Plan

Training and Supervision Plan (TSP)

Each PhD candidate draws up a Training and Supervision Plan (TSP) with his or her supervisor. This plan is regarded as a formal agreement between candidate and supervisor.

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Training and Supervision Plan (TSP)

Graduating within the agreed time-frame is not always as easy as it may sound. A clear training and supervision plan (TSP) is an essential tool for achieving this objective. Moreover, it forms a useful part of your annual appraisal meeting. Every PhD candidate should complete a TSP with his or her supervisor(s) and submit this to the relevant graduate school within three months of his/her research start date. This plan is regarded as a formal agreement between PhD candidate and supervisor. The plan is dynamic, being evaluated and updated at least annually either during the appraisal meeting with your supervisor(s) or via a checkpoint form.
The plan includes agreements made concerning your

  • research project goals, preferably formulated as SMART
  • competences and transferable skills to be improved
  • any possible teaching agreements made for a Bachelor's or Master's programs.

Templates TSP

Every PhD candidate should complete a TSP with his or her supervisor(s) and submit this within three months of his/her research start date.

TSP Committee

This committee aims to ensure that all PhD candidates, who are affiliated to the Radboudumc Graduate School, receive appropriate and individualized training and supervision during their appointment.

see page (intranet)

Data Management Plan

Data Management Plan

For each study at Radboudumc, a data management plan (DMP) is required. Researchers can use the online tool DMP online to compose a plan. PhD candidates upload their initial DMP in Hora Finita. read more (intranet)

Register for courses

PhD courses

Courses for competenties and transferable skills.

see page

Make introductions



To welcome PhD candidates and help them get to know Radboudumc and working in Nijmegen, we offer several steps of preparation.

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The introduction for new employees consists of number of parts: digital preparation viewing eight videos, a mandatory on-site introduction day, and for PhD candidates and postdoc an additional target-group specific introduction organized by Graduate school and Postdoc & career office.

Digital preparation

Via the Onboarding Application Appical you will get access to a number of videos and information for new employees. You will be taken through the most important topics what we as Radboud university medical center (Radboudumc) stand for: our strategy, our vision, and especially the way we want to shape those things at Radboudumc every single day.

We want to inform the employees of our organization as best as possible when it comes to current and future developments. A lot of information and best practices can be found on the intranet. Thus, the films provide you with links to the relevant information about the topic at hand. Have fun watching the films. For translation adjust the settings in the video.

On site introduction

As a part of the general introduction day for the new research employees of the Radboudumc, on-site introduction is organized four times a year. The upcoming date can be found here.

Participation in this introduction day is mandatory. You need to enroll via the abovementioned link; in case you experience problems, please contact Postbus Introductiedagen Human Resources.

You will learn

The introduction day will give you an idea of what the Radboud university medical center stands for, how the research is organized, what the important issues to deal with as a researcher are, and how you can contribute.

Furthermore, an additional introduction specific for postdocs is organized by the Postdoc & career office, which will start the day after the General introduction for research personnel.

If you have questions, please contact Postdoc & career office.

Graduate School

Come meet your Graduate School

Every Graduate School organizes its own events for its PhD candidates, including an introduction course.

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Come meet your Graduate School

Every Graduate School organizes its own events for its PhD candidates, including an introduction course.

  • Radboudumc introduction course for PhD candidates (link for this 'In the lead' course will follow soon)
  • Donders introduction course for PhD candidates

Peer-to-peer talk

PhD candidate members of the Radboudumc PhD council will meet you in a small group of fellow PhD candidates.

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PhD mentor a quick guide

The mentor is appointed at Radboudumc, has ample experience in PhD supervision and is an assistant, associate or full professor or a medical specialist with research experience. The mentor should not work in the same department as the PhD candidate and the supervisors and is not involved in the PhD project.

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PhD mentor a quick guide

The mentor will support and guide you as well as stimulate you to critically look at and reflect upon your learning objectives and outcomes. In the context of your personal and scientific development, your mentor should discuss career progress with regard to your specific goals (research and education), ambitions and interests. Your mentor can advise you regarding your choices for elective subjects and where necessary offer feedback on research project results, conclusions and ideas. Confidentiality will be maintained at all times.

Also see institute specific information in the time line.

Specific for PhD candidates of the Radboudumc Graduate School

Tasks of the mentor

  1. Read the Training and Supervision Plan (TSP) at the start of the project, and comment on it if necessary at the first meeting between the candidate and the mentor.
  2. Have a meeting with the PhD candidate once a year to discuss the progress of the project, both in terms of scientific output, as well as training (competences and skills).
  3. Be available throughout the year for independent advice.

Confidentiality will be maintained at all times.

Guidelines for PhD mentor meetings

Every year, the PhD candidate needs to arrange a progress meeting with his/her mentor. Progress and scientific output are discussed. The attendance of the PhD training program components will also be assessed.

Although the content of the meetings will depend on the candidate's needs, several subjects need to be discussed in the meetings. This will help the PhD candidate to make the right choices in his/her individual program.

Important questions during mentor meeting

  1. Is your PhD progressing as you had expected?
  2. How would you assess the interaction and communication between yourself and your (co)supervisor(s)?

In light of these two questions, the following example points may be raised

  • Reflection on expectations from the PhD project and from the supervisor(s)
  • Reflection on end-of-year assessment [jaargesprek] with supervisor
  • Reflection on personal ambition & interests
    • Combination work and personal life
    • Future career plans
  • Reflection on achievements in last year
  • Reflection on personal strengths and weaknesses (knowledge gaps, specific interests)
    • Elective courses and workshops followed to date. Outcome & relevance e.g. in the light of improving weaknesses, technical expertise, future plans etc
  • Reflection on Timeline for writing thesis: thesis chapter ideas > chapter titles > start writing.
  • Foreseen difficulties

Grant Support

Funding and support

Our Grant support office provides our researchers with information and advice on grant opportunities.

PhD councils

PhD councils

The PhD councils represent your interests as a PhD candidate within the research institute. The committee consists of PhD candidates. Their tasks include:

  • Facilitate the day-to-day life of PhD candidates
  • Listen and help with problems and concerns of PhD candidates
  • Organize social events and PhD meetings
  • Evaluate PhD program and organization
  • Provide input to institute management regarding PhD policy
  • Have regular meetings with the coordinators of the two Graduate Schools.

PhD networks: Broaden your network

PhD Organization Nijmegen PON

PON represents the interests of PhD candidates working at the Radboud University. PON also focuses on items such as employment conditions for PhD candidates and organizing educational activities. go to PON website

National PhD network PNN

The PNN currently represents all of the PhD organizations of the major Dutch universities. To achieve its goals, PNN regularly meets with policymakers from national organizations that have an interest or say in PhD-related issues, such as members of parliament, the Innovation Platform and the KNAW. go to PNN website

Next phases

for current PhD candidates