Our expertise
In the Radboud Expertise Center for Q Fever professionals take care of patients with (complicated) acute Q fever, chronic Q fever and Q fever fatigue syndrome.
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In the Radboud Expertise Center for Q Fever professionals take care of patients with (complicated) acute Q fever, chronic Q fever and Q fever fatigue syndrome. Since the Dutch Q fever outbreak (2007-2011) they have treated many patients and extended the knowledge of the disease. They have close collaborations with other centers where Q fever patients are treated. Apart from patient care, scientific research on Q fever is also part of the Expertise Center.
Our scientific research
In the Radboud Expertise Center for Q Fever research on Q fever is conducted in close collaboration with other Dutch centers in addition to international co-researchers.
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In the Radboud Expertise Center for Q Fever research on Q fever is conducted in close collaboration with other Dutch centers in addition to international co-researchers in France (Marseille), USA (CDC, Atlanta) and Australia (Geelong). The focus of the scientific research is on chronic Q fever and on Q fever fatigue syndrome. In particular, the immunological backgrounds and long-term effects of the disease are studied.
Radboudumc expertise center
Read more about Radboudumc expertise center for Q Fever in Dutch.
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