Our education

Our mission is to ensure that general practitioners and biomedical scientists graduate with a thorough knowledge of infectious disease prevention and a rational antibiotics policy. That is why these subjects form an important part of the standard curriculum for these students.
We also offer Dutch and international students the opportunity to participate in a minor where they can specialize in infectious diseases if they have a particular interest in the field. These programs are available in the following subjects: Opportunistic infections, the immune response to infections of the host, and global health. The courses are open for exchange students to follow, see the tabs below for more information about these courses.

Our education

We contribute to the curriculum of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, which allows general practitioners and biomedical scientists to graduate with a thorough knowledge of infectious disease prevention and a rational antibiotics policy. read more

Our degree programs

These explicitly transfer our expertise in the field of infectious diseases to new, young medical professionals during their specialist degree programs.

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Our degree programs

At the Radboudumc Community for Infectious Diseases, various professionals collaborate in a multidisciplinary manner. They explicitly transfer their expertise in the field of infectious diseases to new, young medical professionals during their specialist degree programs. Infectious diseases form an important part of the degree programs for:

  • medical microbiologists
  • internist-infectious disease specialists (= differentiation year 5/6)
  • pediatric infectious disease specialists/immunologists
  • hospital pharmacists, with specific differentiation year in Infectious Diseases.
  • nursing specialists in infectious diseases

Opportunities for international students

We have the ambition to implement international collaboration and shared education possibilities in education of our bachelor programmes Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.  read more

Opportunities for international students

The field of medical sciences is rapidly expanding and country borders are becoming less of a barrier for achieving great science. Health problems need to be solved on a global scale for more impact on healthcare.  Internationalization is happening everywhere, also in education. Therefore, we have the ambition to implement international collaboration and shared education possibilities in education of our bachelor programmes Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. 

In a joint collaboration of the RCI coordinators of education, we decided to open our bachelor minor tracks (semester of September to January) for 3rd or 4th year international students in de field of Medical Sciences. Only a limited amount of placements are reserved to ensure the best quality in education. 
Information about the specific courses can be found in the tab ‘Our bachelor minor tracks’.

For questions about the possibility of following these minor tracks, please contact Koen van Aerde. 

Questions regarding our minor tracks or courses?

Please contact us by sending an email.

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Bachelor - Master - Postgraduate

Our bachelor minor tracks

Our master courses

Our postgraduate courses