Cost overview and fees

When you come to the consultation hour, there are costs involved. You always pay consultation costs and the costs of any vaccination(s) or examination(s). Your health insurance may reimburse the expenses in full, in part or not at all. read more

Cost overview and fees

When you come to the consultation hour, there are costs involved. As is the case if you make an appointment with a general practitioner, you pay consultation costs for each appointment and the costs of any other appointments for your vaccination(s). Your health insurance may fully, partially or not reimburse the expenses. This varies per (supplementary) insurance. 

You can only pay with a debit (pin) or credit card.

Price list



Consult new trip

€ 22

Consult new trip kids > 15 year

€ 14

Consult new long trip  (> 3 months)

€ 30

Consult follow up

€ 13,50

Consult health certificate fill in and sign        

€ 29

Administration costs

€ 13,50

Vaccinaties per dose

BCG (Tuberculosis) 1 person

€ 87

BCG (Tuberculosis) > 2 persons

€ 54

MMR: (Measles, Mumps and Rubella)(M-M-RvaqPro)

€ 36

Typhoid (Typhim Vi)

€ 46

DTP: Diphtheria Tetanus Polio (Revaxis) *

€ 27,50

DTK: Diphtheria Tetanus and Whooping cough (Boosterix)

€ 43

Yellow fever (Stamaril)

€ 63

Shingles (Shingrix)

€ 199

Flu vaccination (Influenza)

€ 28

Hepatitis A (Havrix)

€ 52

Hepatitis A junior up to 15 years (Havrix Jr.)

€ 41

Hepatitis A immunoglobulin per 2ml (GammaQuin)

€ 50

Hepatitis A/B combination (Twinrix) *

€ 59,50

Hepatitis A/B combination junior up to 15 years (Ambirix)

€ 59,50

Hepatitis B (Engerix) *

€ 46

Japanese Encephalitis (Ixiaro) *

€ 139

Meningococcus ACWY (Nimenrix)

€ 63

Meningococcus B (Bexsero) *

€ 112

Rabies (Rabipur) 2steps version intracutaneous *

€ 47

Rabies (Rabipur) intramuscular *

€ 76

Tick-borne encephalitis (FSME-immune) *

€ 59,50

Chicken-pox (Provarivax)

€  72

* (possibly) multiple vaccinations required

Other operations

Blood test Hepatitis A gone through

€ 42

Blood test Hepatitis B gone through

€ 42

Blood test antibodies after vaccination(s) Hepatitis A

€ 42

Blood test antibodies after vaccination(s) Hepatitis B

€ 42

Interferon Gamma test (Tuberculosis) including statement

€ 98

MRSA combined culture throat/nose consult/statement excluded

€ 36,50

SARS-COV-2 PCR (Corona culture) including consult

€ 92,50

SARS-COV-2 PCR (Corona culture) including statement and consult

€ 117,50

SARS-COV-2 PCR (Corona culture) including statement and consult during weekend                                  

€ 137,50

Blood test  antibodiesbloed SARS-COV-2 IgG (Corona blood test)

€ 39

Covid-19 quick test statement/travel document included

€ 29,50

Tuberculin skin test: Mantoux (Tuberculosis) statement included

€ 26

Chest x-ray

€ 72


Mosquito repellent gel 60/80ml (Careplus)                        

€ 11

Mosquito repellent spray 200ml (Careplus)

€ 21

Mosquito net 1-2 persons (Careplus)

€ 42

Vaccination passport

€ 5

Vaccination passport duplicate

€ 18,50

Prescription (malaria/altitude sickness/antibiotics)

Free at consultation



Side effects of vaccinations

In most cases, you will have no side effects at all or only slightly after vaccination. The most common side effects are redness, pain or a rigid bump at the injection site, a stiff, sore muscle or a low-grade fever. These side effects start on the day of vaccination and usually last no longer than two days.  read more

Side effects of vaccinations

In most cases, you will have no side effects at all or only slightly after vaccination. The most common side effects are redness, pain or a rigid bump at the injection site, a stiff, sore muscle or a low-grade fever. These side effects start on the day of vaccination and usually last no longer than two days. 

Yellow fever is an exception to this. Any side effects of this vaccination usually arise five to ten days after vaccination. 

If you suffer from side effects, it is usually not necessary to go to the doctor. A wet bandage and, if necessary, a painkiller can treat a red, painful spot at the injection site. You don’t need to call a doctor even if the temperature rises slightly. Any antipyretic (e.g. paracetamol) may help.

If the side effects last longer or are more severe than described above, please contact your doctor. The does not neccessarily have to be the cause of you feeling ill. For example, you may also just happen to have an infection. 

If a blood sample has been taken from you via a prick in the elbow fold, it cannot always be avoided that a bruise will occur afterwards.