Am I a special traveller?

Check here if you are a special traveller. If you answer one or more questions with "yes" you belong to "special travellers" category.  read more

Am I a special traveller?

Check here if you are a special traveller. If you answer one or more questions with "yes" you belong to "special travellers" category. 

Am I a special traveller?

  1. Do you have a chronic disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis/Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, or psoriasis and are you on medication for it in the past and/or currently? 
  2. Have you been treated for cancer in the past three months or have you ever had an organ or bone marrow transplant? 
  3. Are you taking immunosuppressive drugs? Examples include corticosteroids (prednisone) * ciclosporin, azathioprine, mycophenolate mofetil, tacrolimus, methotrexate, anti-TNF-alpha agents (infliximab, adalimumab), leflunomide, basiliximab, dacluzimab, muromomab, cyclophosphamide. * when using only corticosteroid inhalations or skin ointment, you can answer "no".
  4. Do you have congenital or acquired disorders of your immune system, such as hypogammaglobulinemia or HIV infection?
  5. You have no or insufficient spleen function?
  6. Do you have a chronic condition of your liver or kidneys?

If you answer yes to one or more questions above, you belong to "special travellers" category. 
You can call us or send us an e-mail with the question to contact you: You will receive a response as soon as possible as to whether you can obtain travel advice at the general Radboud Travel and Vaccination Desk or the General Internal Medicine outpatient clinic.

Take your medications with you when travelling

You cannot just take medicines that fall under the Opium Act with you on a trip. You will find which statement you need on the website of the CAK.