Roland Laan
prof. dr. Roland Laan
About Roland Laan
1995: NijmegenAfter completing his physician training, Roland Laan followed the training as an internist. There he started his PhD research which he later combined with the training for rheumatologist. After his registration as a rheumatologist, he remained attached to the department of Rheumatology as a staff member. Since 1995 he has become increasingly involved in the teaching task of the Radboud UMC. At first this consisted mainly of contributions to the development and implementation of education in the disorders of the musculoskeletal system. He also developed a co-ordinate introduction clinic.
2001: Nijmegen
Being a curriculum coordinator since 2001 and the program director from 2009, he is responsible for the development, execution and evaluation of the physician education as a whole. From 2005, he has led the introduction of the bachelor-master structure in the Medicine program. At that time, a completely new clinical phase was introduced that was described as 'best practice' by the assessment committee in 2009. He also played a leading role in the development and implementation of policy on the professionalism of teachers, the introduction of a system for recognition of principal lecturers, the development of programs for excellent students in the Radboud Honors Academy, the introduction of decentralized selection in the study Medicine and the development of a minor in Medicine within the Bachelor's program Biology.
2005: Nijmegen
As a staff member of the Rheumatology department, he has always been involved in the training of rheumatologists. In 2005 he was recognized as deputy trainer Rheumatology and in 2006 appointed as a member of the consilium rheumatology. From the consilium he led the modernization of the further training in Rheumatology and the formulation of national and regional training plans.
Roland Laan initially carried out his scientific research in rheumatology. Themes were mainly treatment of osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis. After his appointment as professor in 2006, he initiated and supervised research in the field of medical education. Education research has thus been given a place in the educational institute of the Radboud UMC. In 2012 he was (co-) promoter of six PhD students and author of about 100 scientific publications, of which 15 on research of medical education.
- hoogleraar
- 1976 Secondary school (Dominicus College, Nijmegen)
- 1976 - 1983 University (Catholic University Nijmegen)
- 1983 - 1985 Specialization in internal medicine (Canisius Wilhelmina Hospital, Nijmegen) Instructor: Dr. H. B. Benraad
- 1985 - 1988 Specialization in internal medicine (UMC St Radboud, Nijmegen).Trainer: Prof. A. van 't Laar.
- 1989 - 1992 Specialization in rheumatology (UMC St Radboud, Nijmegen) Trainer: Prof. L.B.A. van de Putte
- 1992 Promotion (Catholic University Nijmegen). Promotor: Prof. L.B.A. van de Putte. Title thesis: Bone mass in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Additional Functions
- Member of various university committees.
- Chairman of the University Platform for Education Directors (2011).
- Project leader in the review of the national Raamplan Arts program (from 2007), resulting in the publication of the 2009 Raamplan Arts Training.
Additional Functions
- Member of various university committees.
- Chairman of the University Platform for Education Directors (2011).
- Project leader in the review of the national Raamplan Arts program (from 2007), resulting in the publication of the 2009 Raamplan Arts Training.
- Various positions at the Dutch Society for Rheumatology, the scientific advisory board of the National Reumafonds, the scientific board of the Osteoporosis Foundation.
- Various positions at the Dutch Society for Rheumatology, the scientific advisory board of the National Reumafonds, the scientific board of the Osteoporosis Foundation.
- Various positions at the National Education Committee for Medicine and the Dutch Association for Medical Education.