
dr. Rick Wansink

About Rick Wansink

Trained as a biochemist and molecular cell biologist, I have been working in the field of repeat expansion diseases for more than twenty years now. My current research interests concern the molecular pathology of myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1), specifically the identification of targets for therapy and the development of therapeutic strategies. Main keywords are RNA, skeletal muscle, CRISPR/Cas and antisense oligonucleotides.

My research has included different aspects of the disease and the application of a wide variety of experimental techniques. My group was one of the first to introduce therapeutic antisense oligonucleotides in DM1 and the first to remove the (CTG)n repeat from the DM1 locus in human cells via CRISPR/Cas9 technology.

I am lecturer and coordinator (C) in the following courses:

  • MED-1MPC Perspectief van de cel (C)
  • MED-2MNAT Nature (C)
  • MED-8RNM Nanomedicine
  • MED-MIN13 Medical biotechnology towards clinical practice (C)
  • MED-MIN16 Translational neuroscience
  • MED-BMS75 Advanced tools in molecular biology
  • MED-MMEC Excellence in communication
  • NWI-MOL104 Medical biotechnology (C)
  • NWI-MOL107 RNA structure and function
  • NWI-BM072 Translational genomics

Other educational activities:

  • Coach bachelor BMW (leerlijn professionaliteit)
  • Member Lijnteam Professionaliteit
  • Member Board of Examiners MMD
  • Member Selection Committee MMD
  • Member Begeleidings en beoordelingscommissie onderwijskwalificaties (BBOK)
  • Member Education Council
  • Assessor internal and external internships
  • Supervisor literature thesis and research proposal writing
  • Mentor master students and PhD students
  • External examiner HAN Life Sciences


  • associate professor

Department Medical BioSciences

Medical BioSciences is one of our three science departments. This department focuses on basic and translational research in the medical biosciences, from molecules to humans, to better understand disease and health and improve diagnostics and treatment.

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