About Paul Smits
Paul Smits (1957) was promoted and trained as an internist in Nijmegen. As a staff member at the Internal Medicine department of Radboudumc, he started his research on clinical pharmacology, hypertension and diabetes mellitus. In 1995 he was appointed professor of Pharmacology and head of the department of Pharmacology-Toxicology of Radboudumc. Five years later he became a trainer for the field of clinical pharmacology within internal medicine. He was dean and vice chair (2012-2019) and chair (2019) of our Executive Board.
From 2008 to 2012, Paul Smits was the scientific director of the Nijmegen Center for Evidence Based Practice (NCEBP) research institute. In that period he was also chairman of the board of the 'Instituut Waarborging Kwaliteit en Veiligheid' (IWKV), member of the Medicines Evaluation Board (MEB) and member of the Health Council's Consultation Group on Medicine.
- Met toestemming aanwezig
- 1969-1975 Secondary school (Atheneum beta, Jacob-Roelandslyceum, Boxtel)
- 1975-1976 University (Biology, Catholic University Nijmegen)
- 1976-1983 University (Medicine, Catholic University Nijmegen)
- 1983-1988 Specialization in Internal Medicine (UMC St Radboud, Nijmegen) Trainer: Prof. A. van 't Laar
- 1986 Promotion (Catholic University Nijmegen). Promotor: Prof. A. van 't Laar. Title thesis: Coffee and blood pressure, a pharmacological study on the circulatory effects of coffee and caffeine
Additional Functions
- Member of the 'Commissie Experimenteel Onderzoek met Mensen' (CEOM) (1988-1992).
- Member and chairman of the Radboudumc Formulary Committee (from 1992).
- Member and chairman of the Radboudumc Medicines Committee (from 1996)
Additional Functions
- Member of the 'Commissie Experimenteel Onderzoek met Mensen' (CEOM) (1988-1992).
- Member and chairman of the Radboudumc Formulary Committee (from 1992).
- Member and chairman of the Radboudumc Medicines Committee (from 1996)
- Member of the Faculty Science Committee (1998-2004)
- Workgroup leader within the NWO sub-communities 'Hypertension and Renal physiology' and 'Diabetes and metabolism regulation'
- Member and board member of the Dutch Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Biopharmacy (1996-2004)
- Member of the Dutch Association for Diabetes Research
- Member of the 'Nederlandsche Internisten Vereeniging' and chairman of the section of Clinical Pharmacology and member of the Concilium Medicinae Internae
- Member and board member of the Dutch Society for Pharmacology (from 2004)
- Member of the American Society Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics
- Member of the Health Counseling Group of the Health Council (until March 24, 2015)
- Member of the Central Committee on Research Involving Human Subjects (until 2003)
- Member of the Academic Hospitals Formulary (VAZ)
- Member of the Galenus Prize committee and chairman of the jury (from 2012)
- Medical advisor to the Scientific Institute for Dutch Pharmacists (until 2007)
- Member of the editorial board of the 'Geneesmiddelenbulletin' (1996-2004)
- Member of the editorial board of the Netherlands Journal of Medicine (2001-2007)
- Chairman of the Institutional Review Board Nijmegen (Human Research Committee for the CRO PharmaResearch) (from 2002)
- Member of the steering group FIGON (Federation of Innovative Medicines Research Netherlands) (until 2008)
- Member of the Medicines Evaluation Board (until 2012)
- Member of the board Donders Center for Cognitive Neuroimaging
- Member of the Center for Systems Biology board
- Director Stichting Gelder-Kennis
- Chairman of 'Stichting Fonds Ontwikkelingssamenwerking'
- Advisory Council Language in Interaction (July 2014)
- Advisory Board of the MBI Health (February 2014)
- Chair of the Dutch Clinical Trial Foundation (2014 - present)