People Michel van den Heuvel


prof. dr. Michel van den Heuvel
BIG-number: 99044217801

About Michel van den Heuvel

Michel van den Heuvel is a full professor at the Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences. He is connected to the Rare cancers theme and to the Pulmonary Diseases department. read more

About Michel van den Heuvel

Michel van den Heuvel did a master in both medical biology (1993) and medicine (1995). This was followed by a PhD on cellular biology and immunology. In 1999 he successfully defended his thesis “On the role of antigen presenting cells in asthma”. He then started his residency in Chest Medicine at the Free University in Amsterdam. This was interrupted by a year of clinical research on tuberculosis in 2005 at the Tygerberg Academic Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. From 2007 to 2017 he worked as staff chest physician at the Netherlands Cancer Institute / Antoni van Leeuwenhoek hospital (NKI-AVL). Recently, he moved to Radboud University Medical Centre in Nijmegen where he is now leading the department of respiratory diseases. His work is mainly focused on lung cancer treatment with a special attention for translational research. He is currently leading the clinical and biomarker development program for immunotherapy of thoracic oncology at the Radboud University Medical Centre.


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