prof. dr. Marlies Hulscher
About Marlies Hulscher
Marlies Hulscher is a professor of Quality of Care for infectious and inflammatory diseases. She has more than 20 years experience in implementation research. read moreAbout Marlies Hulscher
Putting valuable insights and methods into practice makes an important contribution to the improvement of the quality of patient care. The central objective of the research programme 'Quality of Care for infectious and inflammatory diseases' is to define, measure and improve the quality of care for patients with infectious and inflammatory diseases, in the hospital setting as well as in the public healthcare setting. In cooperation with professionals and scientists, problems in current healthcare are observed, studied and improved. Research themes include hospital antibiotic use; infection prevention (including acceptance of vaccinations); outbreak management; and clinical care of patients suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis. Important methodological spearheads in research are measuring barriers, developing improvement strategies and discovering determinants of success. So-called process evaluations play an important role in this process.Marlies Hulscher is a professor of Quality of Care for infectious and inflammatory diseases. She has more than 20 years experience in implementation research. As a PI she has performed numerous implementation studies, focusing on the development of implementation strategies, the evaluation of their effectiveness to improve patient care and on the assessment of determinants of appropriate patient care. Trials addressed, among others, appropriate antimicrobial use in patients with lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) or with complicated urinary tract infection (UTI)s, and hand hygiene in hospitals. Marlies Hulscher has an extensive publication record. She also contributed to various handbooks describing the state-of-the-art in implementation research.
- professor IQ healthcare
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Department IQ Health
IQ Health is one of our three science departments. The department acquires and disseminates knowledge and methodology about preventing disease and improving care.
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Department IQ Health
The IQ Health department is one of our three scientific departments; a department that does not provide patient care, but focuses on research and education. This department acquires and disseminates knowledge and methodology on preventing disease and improving care.
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