
Marion Wasserbauer PhD

About Marion Wasserbauer

Marion Wasserbauer (she/her) is post-doc researcher at Radboudumc and Radboud University within the research platform Diversity in Sex and Gender. Contact: marion.wasserbauer read more

About Marion Wasserbauer

Marion Wasserbauer (she/her) defended her PhD in the Social Sciences at the University of Antwerp in 2018. The LGBTQI-community, diversity in sex, gender and sexuality are the main focus of her research and activism.

In oktober 2020, she joined Radboudumc and Radboud Universityas a post-doc within the research platform on diversity in sex and gender. In this position, Marion aims to connect care and medical sciences, humanities and social sciences, and the lived needs and experiences of intersex and trans* persons.

In previous research, she explored the roles of music in the lives of LGBTQ-persons (2013-2018), and the needs and experiences of LGBTQ-persons with a migrations background in Flanders en Brussels (2018-2019). Marion also worked as policy staff at the Flemish LGBTI-ngo çavaria (2018-2019). She is also a guest lecturer at the department of media studies at the University of Antwerp (2018-ongoing).


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Research position

  • postdoc