
prof. dr. Maria van den Muijsenbergh

About Maria van den Muijsenbergh

Working for many years as a General Practitioner for vulnerable groups like migrants, Maria van den Muijsenbergh developed an interest in the health effects of socio-economic position and migration. read more

About Maria van den Muijsenbergh

Working for many years as a General Practitioner for vulnerable groups like refugees and other migrants, low literate and homeless patients, Maria van den Muijsenbergh developed an interest in the health effects of socio-economic position and migration. She studies and teaches how personcentred integrated Primary Care can help to reduce these health disparities.

Person centred integrated care takes into account the whole personal story, skills, circumstances and preferences of the patient, leading to communication and shared decision making tailored to this person’s skills and preference. It is not restricted to the biomedical  domain, but also involves social welfare and environmental issues like finances and housing.

Areas of research include community oriented primary care on prevention of and care in case of chronic conditions like cardiovascular diseases; palliative care; migrant care.

She works in close collaboration with various international research institutions in the field of equity, primary care, health literacy and migrant care, and with Pharos the Dutch dentre of expertise on health disparities that has initiated this professorate.


  • gast emeritus hoogleraar


  • 1982: Master degree Medical School Leiden University (cum laude)
  • 1984: General Practiotioner Leiden – since
  • 1996 GP in Nijmegen
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  • 1982: Master degree Medical School Leiden University (cum laude)
  • 1984: General Practiotioner Leiden – since
  • 1996 GP in Nijmegen
  • 2001: PhD on experiences with palliative care of patients, their families and their GPs (Honoured with the Telephorusprice for best family medicine dissertation) thesis.
  • Since 2001 teacher and researcher at Radboud University Medical C entre department of Primary and Community care
  • Since 2007: senior researcher at Pharos, national centre of expertise on health disparities
  • 2017: appointed professor

Personal prizes & awards

  • 2014: Ab Harrewijn Prize (for setting up the Wereldvrouwenhuis Mariam Foundation in Nijmegen)
  • 2007: University education award Radboud University for teaching staff choice block Sex, sexuality and multiculturality basic medical education
  • 2006: Corri Herman Prize of the Association of Dutch Female Physicians for activities for (female) asylum seekers / undocumented migrants
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Personal prizes & awards

  • 2014: Ab Harrewijn Prize (for setting up the Wereldvrouwenhuis Mariam Foundation in Nijmegen)
  • 2007: University education award Radboud University for teaching staff choice block Sex, sexuality and multiculturality basic medical education
  • 2006: Corri Herman Prize of the Association of Dutch Female Physicians for activities for (female) asylum seekers / undocumented migrants
  • 2002: Telesforus Prize Dutch Family Practice Society for best general practice doctoral thesis

Additional Functions

  • 2016: Member Scientific Board Thijmgenootschap
  • 2016: Member complaints commitee consortium secundary education Noord-Brabant Ons Middelbaar Onderwijs
  • 2015: National President of the Adelbert Vereniging
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Additional Functions

  • 2016: Member Scientific Board Thijmgenootschap
  • 2016: Member complaints commitee consortium secundary education Noord-Brabant Ons Middelbaar Onderwijs
  • 2015: National President of the Adelbert Vereniging
  • 2015: Member advisory board European Centre for Disease prevention and Control , guidance on migrant care
  • 2014: Board Member of the Dutch Streetdoctor Group NSG
  • 2013: Co-chair Working party Diversity and International healthcare of the Dutch College of General Practitioners
  • 2012: President of Foundation Wereldvrouwenhuis Mariam van Nijmegen (shelter for undocumented women in Nijmegen)
  • 2012: Dutch Journal on Ethics and Healthcare (Tijdschrift voor Ethiek en Gezondheid)
  • 2011: Chief editor of the website for family doctors on migrant care
  • 2010: Secretary of medical department of the Thijmgenootschap
  • 2008: President of WONCA World special interest group on Migrant care, international health and travel medicine & Dutch representative in WONCA World special interest group on Equity
  • 2007: Founder and board member of Praktijk Buitenzorg, Practice for Primary care for homeless in Nijmegen
  • 2007: Website run by the Dutch College for Pediatrics on undocumented children (Kinderen zonder papieren van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kindergeneeskunde)