
prof. dr. Jeroen van der Laak

About Jeroen van der Laak

Jeroen van der Laak is professor of computational Pathology at the department of Pathology of the Radboud University Medical Center in Nijmegen, The Netherlands and guest professor at the Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV) in Linköping, Sweden. His research focuses on the use of artificial intelligence for analysis of digitized histopathological images. His research group was among the first to show the large potential of so-called deep learning algorithms for analysis of whole slide images. Further research focused on improvements in deep learning strategies to increase robustness and accuracy, as well as on application of deep learning for various tasks in histopathology. In 2016 and 2017, he coordinated the CAMELYON grand challenges. Dr van der Laak co-authored over 180 peer-reviewed publications and was previously member of the board of directors of the Digital Pathology Association and chair of the 'AI in Pathology' taskforce of the European Society of Pathology. He is organizer of sessions at the European Congress of Pathology, MICCAI and Pathology Visions. Dr van der Laak is coordinator of the Bigpicture project and is USCAP Nathan Kaufman laureate. In 2021, he founded the Radboudumc spinoff Aiosyn, for which he is CSO.


  • hoogleraar

Personal prizes & awards

  • Winner of the AMMODO Science Award for Biomedical Sciences 2024
  • Winner of the Dutch Novartis Transplantation Award 2020
  • USCAP Nathan Kaufman Lecture laureate, March 2019
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Personal prizes & awards

  • Winner of the AMMODO Science Award for Biomedical Sciences 2024
  • Winner of the Dutch Novartis Transplantation Award 2020
  • USCAP Nathan Kaufman Lecture laureate, March 2019
  • Recipient of the Radboud Science Awards 2018
  • Winner of the MedicalPhit Innovation Award 2016

Additional Functions

  • Shareholder Aiosyn B.V.
  • Chief Scientific Officer Aiosyn B.V.
  • Guest professor Linköping University Sweden

Research position

  • full professor